Random Thoughts

True, I just looked it up. Fair enough, I was being ignorant.

I looked it up too.

I assumed europe would have been leading, but I knew of at least two they didn't win.

I'd say in ~ 5 years europe will be ahead by 2.
I have been cheesing all day about a customer saying I was hot and giving me her number. Admitedly I was in my own clothes as I was running the shop and was in some pretty snazzy summer-wear ;) but am still cheesing.
pppfttt! I was selling at a trade fair handing out fliers walking around when a lady got me over and told me I had really nice eyes!
Pfft nice eyes. I get that all the time. The wonders of having blue eyes ;) Women seem to think it means I am deep and meaningful (well I am ;))
This might be a stupid question but do any Australian clubs play in the European Champion tournaments or whatever its called (the one where the worlds best clubs play) Or is it just limited to clubs from Europe and south america?

Basically my question is, is there a Champions League Twenty20 of soccer? Where all the best domestic clubs play each other in a big tourny?

Yeah, Adelaide made it to the Fifa club world cup last year. ;)
I'm off to sleep. Hopefully when I wake up the torrent of the Grand Final will be finished. (Y)

Is that legal?
Your a joke aye... Weren't you meant to be getting married and have children?
I'm blaming the fact that she was strong willed and I was being a doormat with her. Anyway man, that was over 6 months ago!!!
Yea, Tom ate the kids and the chick dumped him. He's spent the last 5 months in a Psych ward. Thanks for bringing that memory back up Hooper, he's probably already gone to roam the streets for 3 years olds to munch on...

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