Random Thoughts

April 17th. Although I'll be "18" when I'm down my Dads just so I can have a beers with him down the pub.

Let's just hope I don't turn out like Tom following my 18th...

Try and top the story* from the night I turned 18.

*I think I've told it on here before
Long story short it was a thursday night.

Liveprool is hardly an expensive place to have a night out if you know where to go, and on thursdays things are ridiculously cheap. I thought "ace, my 18th falls on a decent night out". So me and a few of my mates form 6th form went out and caned it. Hard.

The club we ended up in was 2for1. I'd been drinking like, well like it was my 18th and ended up a little bit tipsy. The club shut about 4. I didn't end up leaving till 8.30am . I woke up when the alarm form my phone went off at 6.30. I had triple biology at 9ish.

I was locked in. No-one knows how it exactly happened, but I had a massive cut on my head and needed stitches.

Became the stuff of much speculation and is basically a legend amongst those from 6th form. Apparently rumours that flew around involved me getting arrested. Using my head to bust down the locked doors and possibly even that I found a Minotaur in the basement and wrestled it into submission. Okay that last one may have been spread by me in an effort to regain some credibility.

Apparently in biology the register went something like this when it got to me

Biology teacher (who was also head of 6th form) "where is steven today?"

mate of mine "erm, we think he is still in the krazyhouse, miss."

Got out of A+E (where I fell asleep twice whilst waiting to be treated) about half 11. No hangover, I was tempted to go in for english last period, to what I assume would be to a reception as close to walking at out lord's as I would ever get, but instead I played football manager. My mum was off work that day, no words of comfort when I got in, she just laughed.
Long story short it was a thursday night.

Liveprool is hardly an expensive place to have a night out if you know where to go, and on thursdays things are ridiculously cheap. I thought "ace, my 18th falls on a decent night out". So me and a few of my mates form 6th form went out and caned it. Hard.

The club we ended up in was 2for1. I'd been drinking like, well like it was my 18th and ended up a little bit tipsy. The club shut about 4. I didn't end up leaving till 8.30am . I woke up when the alarm form my phone went off at 6.30. I had triple biology at 9ish.

I was locked in. No-one knows how it exactly happened, but I had a massive cut on my head and needed stitches.

Became the stuff of much speculation and is basically a legend amongst those from 6th form. Apparently rumours that flew around involved me getting arrested. Using my head to bust down the locked doors and possibly even that I found a Minotaur in the basement and wrestled it into submission. Okay that last one may have been spread by me in an effort to regain some credibility.

Apparently in biology the register went something like this when it got to me

Biology teacher (who was also head of 6th form) "where is steven today?"

mate of mine "erm, we think he is still in the krazyhouse, miss."

Got out of A+E (where I fell asleep twice whilst waiting to be treated) about half 11. No hangover, I was tempted to go in for english last period, to what I assume would be to a reception as close to walking at out lord's as I would ever get, but instead I played football manager. My mum was off work that day, no words of comfort when I got in, she just laughed.

LOL. I remember my 18th because of an injury too. Got home and smashed a glass light and cut my hand open. Left a club at 2ish (no where down here shuts any later), went back to a mates and got back too mine at around 5. Don't remember smashing the light but remember my dad suddenly appearing and telling me my hand was bleeding. Didn't feel it until the morning.

At work the next day (didn't go in till 5:30) still had a massive headache and my hands wouldn't stop shaking (a problem when your trying to put stuff in bags and pack fragile items.)

How many stitches did you need?
Long story short it was a thursday night.

Liveprool is hardly an expensive place to have a night out if you know where to go, and on thursdays things are ridiculously cheap. I thought "ace, my 18th falls on a decent night out". So me and a few of my mates form 6th form went out and caned it. Hard.

The club we ended up in was 2for1. I'd been drinking like, well like it was my 18th and ended up a little bit tipsy. The club shut about 4. I didn't end up leaving till 8.30am . I woke up when the alarm form my phone went off at 6.30. I had triple biology at 9ish.

I was locked in. No-one knows how it exactly happened, but I had a massive cut on my head and needed stitches.

Became the stuff of much speculation and is basically a legend amongst those from 6th form. Apparently rumours that flew around involved me getting arrested. Using my head to bust down the locked doors and possibly even that I found a Minotaur in the basement and wrestled it into submission. Okay that last one may have been spread by me in an effort to regain some credibility.

Apparently in biology the register went something like this when it got to me

Biology teacher (who was also head of 6th form) "where is steven today?"

mate of mine "erm, we think he is still in the krazyhouse, miss."

Got out of A+E (where I fell asleep twice whilst waiting to be treated) about half 11. No hangover, I was tempted to go in for english last period, to what I assume would be to a reception as close to walking at out lord's as I would ever get, but instead I played football manager. My mum was off work that day, no words of comfort when I got in, she just laughed.
Damn, Good night out was it :laugh
I'm sure you fellas would love the parties in Univille, fack they go off!
Really they're probably nothing to you big town boys
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Man I can't wait for the Easter holidays. All coursework will be done and I get two weeks of doing fack all. Then the weekend after the end of the hols I turn 18.

From that day on it will be hell again for a final few months.


Though I turn 22 on the 16th.
Good to see people have consideration for primary school children, there was a strong smell of weed outside a house on a street leading up to a primary school as I walked to and from school today.
Good to see people have consideration for primary school children, there was a strong smell of weed outside a house on a street leading up to a primary school as I walked to and from school today.

I don't think they think of their location and how far away a school is. Same as when they stick needles in their arms and leave them at kids parks.

Why can't they just reuse and share the needles?:p

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