Random Thoughts

Yeah, I was gone. Opening the eyes was an achievment, keeping the drink in the glass beat Jesus turning water into wine!!!!

I don't want to know where my left hand has wandered......

Did he have a speech impediment?

No, just the entire population he dictated over: as in, they weren't allowed to say anything. I have seen a number of documentaries on North Korean life and this man is responsible for utter dismal madness of the highest order. Have fun down there.


1 5 2 4 3

Ah I recognise that number: its for the "Help Me, I Don't Know How To Respect Women" Hotline
No, just the entire population he dictated over: as in, they weren't allowed to say anything. I have seen a number of documentaries on North Korean life and this man is responsible for utter dismal madness of the highest order. Have fun down there.

Have you read Nothing to Envy?
Have you read Nothing to Envy?

Ashamedly I haven't. I gave it a google and it looks very interesting. Thanks for the heads up. Of course in every country things happen that one can call unfree or unhuman, even in so-called free and democratic countries. But the scale of repression and abject brainwashing we are talking about here is utterly mindboggling and sad.

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