Random Thoughts

Will it be 3D on nein? That'll be epic. Do you have to wear some sort of glasses, or is it just 3D through the screen?

Jakester1288 added 0 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...

Ah, just saw Matt's post.
They said those glasses are bad for your eyes.
Not just your eyes, they work by manipulating one of your base perceptions. These things will kill your brain, let alone your eyes.

The slow speed flicker that it is creates is bad enough on its own, let alone the problems it will cause to your perception. 3D might be a novelty now, but this technology is at best good for very short viewing, a whole football match could impact you for life, just so some TV makers get to cash in on some Avatar hype.

3D at cinemas is done differently, the TV 3D shows alternating images as a full frame from eye to eye, with the glasses synchronised to match this flicker and blank out the vision to the eye you aren't using. This happens supposedly quick enough to make a depth illusion.

Traditional 3D is just that red-green split to make a much cleaner 3D effect, though in my case I can't handle that either (I saw 5 minutes of Avatar at IMAX before having to leave with a migraine, and nearly collapsed later that day, fun stuff).

Have a read of the Samsung warning on watching their 3D TVs:

3D Viewing Conditions

* To watch in 3D mode, you need to put the 3D Active Glasses on and press the power button on top of the glasses. Fluorescent lighting may cause a flickering effect and direct sunlight may affect the operation of the 3D glasses. Turn off all fluorescent lighting and block sources of direct sunlight before watching in 3D mode.

Photosensitive Seizure Warning and Other Health Risks

* Some viewers may experience an epileptic seizure or stroke when exposed to certain flashing images or lights contained in certain television pictures or video games. If you or any of your family has a history of epilepsy or stroke, please consult with a medical specialist before using the 3D function.
* If you experience any of the following symptoms, immediately stop watching 3D pictures and consult a medical specialist: (1) altered vision; (2) lightheadedness; (3) dizziness; (4) involuntary movements such as eye or muscle twitching; (5) confusion; (6) nausea; (7) loss of awareness; (8) convulsions; (9) cramps; and/or (10) disorientation. Parents should monitor and ask their children about the above symptoms as children and teenagers may be more likely to experience these symptoms than adults.
* Viewing in 3D mode may also cause motion sickness, perceptual after effects, disorientation, eye strain, and decreased postural stability. It is recommended that users take frequent breaks to lessen the likelihood of these effects. If you have any of the above symptoms, immediately discontinue use of this device and do not resume until the symptoms have subsided.
* We do not recommend watching 3D if you are in bad physical condition, need sleep or have been drinking alcohol.
* Watching TV while sitting too close to the screen for an extended period of time may damage your eyesight. The ideal viewing distance should be at least three times the height of the TV screen. It is recommended that the viewer's eyes are level with the screen.
* Watching TV while wearing 3D Active Glasses for an extended period of time may cause headaches or fatigue. If you experience a headache, fatigue or dizziness, stop watching TV and rest.
* Do not use the 3D Active Glasses for any purpose other than viewing 3D television. Wearing the 3D Active Glasses for any other purpose (as general spectacles, sunglasses, protective goggles, etc.) may physically harm you or weaken your eyesight.
* Viewing in 3D mode may cause disorientation for some viewers. DO NOT place your television near open stairwells, cables, balconies or other objects that may cause you to injure yourself.
I love 3D cinema! I really doubt going at least once a month can do that much to you, surely.
Well, I've got a debate tomorrow. Come up with most of my speech, but would appreciate a bit of help.

The debate topic is 'Australia should accept fewer immigrants', and I'm on the affirmative side.

The points I've been allocated are:
- money
- infrastructure
- housing
- drought
- social differences

Also, has anyone got ideas for a team line?

The real problem with this is that we're worried about being racist. If we weren't, our points would completely kill the other team lmao.

But we're all (proudly) ethnics and migrants, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. We're still holding back a bit.....
Just never say the word immigrant. Just talk about 'rising population' and the infrastructure and water problems.
Gahhh, mock exams are finally over! And, it's my Birthday tomorrow. Good times. :D

Just had the longest afternoon nap too.

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