Random Thoughts

I don't know how I'm going to explain to the gf why i am now half covered in fake tan. It certainly was a weird night out, pretty pleased I called it short at only 2 as there were some bloody weird women out on a Sunday night. Seriously, why would you think covering someone in fake tan is gonna make them like you? :facepalm The fecking stuff won't come off either. I now look like a tangarine with bloody dyed hair. I'm totally in the shitter as she is gonna ask the question how she got a chance to tan my chest and legs and I'm gonna be honest, I don't have a proper answer :( Tomorrow is going to be a tough day :help Bloody alcohol :(

Obama spoke to the graduates at the University of Michigan. GO BLUE!!!! :D
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Go Blue indeed :sarcasm

So i was the only guy who knew about Rosie Jones? Every 1 seems to be googling after reading my post!

Keep your dirty eyes off of my GIRL!!

btw has been in my profile pic for last 2 months
I don't know how I'm going to explain to the gf why i am now half covered in fake tan. It certainly was a weird night out, pretty pleased I called it short at only 2 as there were some bloody weird women out on a Sunday night. Seriously, why would you think covering someone in fake tan is gonna make them like you? :facepalm The fecking stuff won't come off either. I now look like a tangarine with bloody dyed hair. I'm totally in the shitter as she is gonna ask the question how she got a chance to tan my chest and legs and I'm gonna be honest, I don't have a proper answer :( Tomorrow is going to be a tough day :help Bloody alcohol :(

I don't often laugh at peoples misfortune but this made me LMAO. I'm assuming one of the girls covered you in fake tan? Who brings fake tan out with them to a bar/club? How drunk were you to let them do it?

Why don't you fake tan the rest of you and say you did it and went OTT?

Probably too late now....
TBF, I wasn't that drunk mate, I was more concerned with looking after my best mate and he was off his face and seriously in danger on cheating on his gf, so I didn't really notice her, next thing I'm cornered in a booth with her straddling me lol. I'm gonna have to get one of my girl pal's to finish it off though, as it looks stupid with white areas and brown areas. But yeah, I might just say I did it and hope for the best :S She was quite hot though, if I had been single, I'm sure I would have let her go all over my body ;)
So i was the only guy who knew about Rosie Jones? Every 1 seems to be googling after reading my post!

Keep your dirty eyes off of my GIRL!!

btw has been in my profile pic for last 2 months

I knew about her because of the likes of Nuts and FRONT magazine. How did you 'find' her, considering you're in America?

@ Tom, another eventful night then matey. So basically, as soon as you die your hair non-ginger some bird makes your whole body ginger. Nice work :p
████ ████ ████ tom, are there any tan scrubs or creams to get it off? if they exist, you should use one of them.
TBF, I wasn't that drunk mate, I was more concerned with looking after my best mate and he was off his face and seriously in danger on cheating on his gf, so I didn't really notice her, next thing I'm cornered in a booth with her straddling me lol. I'm gonna have to get one of my girl pal's to finish it off though, as it looks stupid with white areas and brown areas. But yeah, I might just say I did it and hope for the best :S She was quite hot though, if I had been single, I'm sure I would have let her go all over my body ;)

Lol - I'm hoping that's not "everywhere" with the fake tan otherwise you'd end up with something resembling a wotsit.......:p

Apparently according to my sis - Miss Orange - With each shower it should come fade if its a temporary bronzer.
Hahaha, I'll be worried if it starts becoming cheesy as well. But yeah, it is looking slightly better after a shower, I just kept on scrubbing and scrubbing and it kinda looks more natural as if i have been in the sun

Your sister single btw? ;) (Too far :p)

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