Random Thoughts

Hehe, lol I got a text from my mate about last night saying he is so getting dumped as he woke up next to the same fat bird that I slept with a few weeks ago :laugh She certainly does get around, lol gotta love being young.
when I go to bed drunk I have quite simply the most absurd dreams.

I can remember in the dream I had a proper full on argument with someone about whether it is easier for a horse to run on dry sand or wet sand.
when I go to bed drunk I have quite simply the most absurd dreams.

I can remember in the dream I had a proper full on argument with someone about whether it is easier for a horse to run on dry sand or wet sand.

Totally relate to that. I once dreamt I was standing near Hermiston Gait in Edinburgh and a volcano was erupting and I just stood there as everyone else ran away and as the lava came towards me I just went, "This looks quite hot" :facepalm
I knew about her because of the likes of Nuts and FRONT magazine. How did you 'find' her, considering you're in America?

Considering how hard she is trying to get known in America, all that ass-kiss and sayin how good America and Americans are, one way or the other i was about to 'find' her :D

But i hope she doesnt get famous. Stop googleing her!

Once i get rich and famous, i will take her (only if she is still good looking till then)
When I get really really drunk, I start to experience synesthesia, that is, I 'see' the music if I shut my eyes. It's really something, and what I imagine having an acid trip is like.

I'm trying to get on two birds at the moment, it's not proving fruitful thus far, which is a shame.
Sort of makes sense, I had similar expreinces on mushrooms in college. Could see the notes, along with lots of other wacky stuff :laugh
Go Blue indeed :sarcasm


38-37, 1 freaking point!

But hey, The President of the United States chose US over UT for the speech, and we are ranked better academically so as an Asian UofM>> UT :p
:laugh its not as if UT is some redneck school. One of the best public schools academically as well.
I love it when Englishmen have an arguement and bring where they live into it. I just sit and watch.

Though I have learnt that Millwall is full of inbreds... am I correct?

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