Random Thoughts

Some new categories should be introduced for the upcoming PC awards, to make things interesting.
1. @ahmedleo44 Bold prediction of the year
2. @Gaurav7 Reverse jinx of the year
3. Most hair tearing, headbanging, eye bleaching @icyman post of the year
4. Most satisfying response to a @icyman post of the year
5. The Tamim Iqbal award for the best unretirement announcement of the year
6. Shakib Al Hasan award for the best controversy of the year
7. Babar Azam award for the worst Haris Rauf powerplay spell of the year
8. Say Jhah award for the best big brain "BCCI/ICC WTF" move of the year
Maybe I should start watching cricket games to post the most interesting things the scorecard won't tell you. Stuff that would be interesting to people like me, eg Liton Das choked on water during the drinks break
Maybe I should start watching cricket games to post the most interesting things the scorecard won't tell you. Stuff that would be interesting to people like me, eg Liton Das choked on water during the drinks break
I always think about the little moments i miss out on when not watching live. Highlights don’t capture the full beauty of a game.
It’s like seeing the Mona Lisa without the background.
I always think about the little moments i miss out on when not watching live. Highlights don’t capture the full beauty of a game.
It’s like seeing the Mona Lisa without the background.
I don't know what the background of the Mona Lisa is but I take that as a vote of confidence
I always think about the little moments i miss out on when not watching live. Highlights don’t capture the full beauty of a game.
It’s like seeing the Mona Lisa without the background.
This background ? Honestly I had never paid much attention to that painting but thanks to your random thought I've now gone digging...


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I don't know what the background of the Mona Lisa is but I take that as a vote of confidence
This background ? Honestly I had never paid much attention to that painting but thanks to your random thought I've now gone digging...
Well, the analogy works exactly for that reason. We don't remember in much detail the background of the Mona Lisa, nor the smaller things not included in the highlights package (like a beautiful leagbreak or outswinger beating the bat). But without them, we can't see the full picture.
Well, the analogy exactly for that reason. We don't remember in much detail the background of the Mona Lisa, nor the smaller things not included in the highlights package (like a beautiful leagbreak or outswinger beating the bat). But without them, we can't see the full picture.
I agree with your highlights comment fully. If I miss watching a game live I don't even bother tuning in for the highlights package. I frequent Cricinfo though and love reading the outrageous comments sent in by folks on there. It's good fun much better than the inane commentary on TV barring a few.
As I was banned today for abusing and losing it to a troll.

A public apology to everyone for the inconvenience caused especially to @Na Maloom Afraad

Really lost it today.
Adulthood is tough folks.

Last few months have affected my mental health a lot, I was supposed to get married this December unfortunately it got called off in June.Things weren't really good at work as well. Parents are getting older , family responsibilities and stuff like that all that can toll on you.

its one of those feelings which makes you feel really low and broke you feel depressed all the time and even feel empty deep within and feel lonely even with a room full of people.

June, July where extremely tough somehow I keep believing though everything happens for a reason and Almighty has already written our destiny.

For all those who are struggling with silent battles keep believing, be positive and always remember there is always a light at the end of the of the dark tunnel.

I am really sad that my old account being deleted.

Certainly myself to be blame for that.

A year that I will never forget have taken a lot of hits in life.

Will be still here but feels like will be less active than before.
It’s so pathetic how in South Asia there’s laws and court cases based on "hurting sentiments", whether religious sentiments or nationalist or political sentiments.
Everyone should have free speech as long as they don’t threaten anyone or use hate speech. You got your little sentiments hurt? Get a tissue and move on

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