Really giving up with batting?!!

Do the ratings have an effect on the batting animations?

For example, if you have zero'ed out back foot ratings will your player go into more leave and blocking animations if you choose to go back foot, since you have a very low if not no ability to play off the back foot?

I am going to test this tonight.
Do the ratings have an effect on the batting animations?

For example, if you have zero'ed out back foot ratings will your player go into more leave and blocking animations if you choose to go back foot, since you have a very low if not no ability to play off the back foot?

I am going to test this tonight.
Yeah I first noticed this in the practice match where R Symons could not play any shot off his back foot. He could still play shots off the front foot which led me to wondering if ratings caused this.

I raised his ratings which curiously were all zeros for everything and now its much more enjoyable to bat in practice mode front or back foot.
Thanks for the help everyone, I am finally getting used to the bowling now. It seems I was playing spin bowling to early I am waiting for the ball and timing the shots better,must be working as I won my first game!
a month before when i was having trouble with batting i posted my problem here and was advised to practice and eventually it will improve so i practiced for 1 month but even after this long i am only able to play on amateur level where no footwork is required only direction is necessary to play a shot . but i cant bat on pro or higher levels as footwork is required . I am not going to try further as i know that it is not going to improve as it has bot improved in a month . It is unplayable to decide the footwork and also the direction and whether to play aggressive or defensive shot in a micro second
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It is unplayable to decide the footwork and also the direction and whether to play aggressive or defensive shot in a micro second

There are only two ways to solve this as I see it:

1. There was a nice post earlier by someone that suggested an alternative to show the length circle as the bowler starts his run-up or at-least a second or two before the ball is delivered. I understand this might not help in multi-player since bowler can change the length zone very late in the delivery stride, but for offline, it should work.

2. Slow down the pace of fast and fast medium bowlers with the help of customisable-sliders (so what is 125 Kmph right now will be the speed of a 145 Kmph delivery, for example) so that there is larger window to play with the right-foot, direction and timing. I guess this is what @BigAntStudios were planning initially for Patch 3, but it remains to be seen if it eventually materialises.
a month before when i was having trouble with batting i posted my problem here and was advised to practice and eventually it will improve so i practiced for 1 month but even after this long i am only able to play on amateur level where no footwork is required only direction is necessary to play a shot . but i cant bat on pro or higher levels as footwork is required . I am not going to try further as i know that it is not going to improve as it has bot improved in a month . It is unplayable to decide the footwork and also the direction and whether to play aggressive or defensive shot in a micro second

If you're struggling on Pro just go with front foot every time as you can play all shots off the front foot regardless of length.
If you're struggling on Pro just go with front foot every time as you can play all shots off the front foot regardless of length.

This is what I've been doing at the moment

So far I'm terrible but I'm determined to get good at batting...
I definitely pre-determine on front foot and on side hitting. The bowlers always seem to be bowling full deliveries on my stumps or short outside leg. But one thing that I know I can't do is pre-determine the front foot before the bowler balls, if that happens I'm out every time. Also and this is important, work out the timing window for ur shots! If you can't bat its cause ur timing is off. Not only is it different for bowler pace but also for length and then throw in slower balls.

I started a tournament on legend and then went to career on pro. It helped for me, hopefully this gives u another way to look at batting along with everyone else's tips.

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