Really giving up with batting?!!

Ok, firstly I use the behind the camera view but far (not close which I think I said much earlier) - this allows you to pick up line/length; also make sure the keeper is transparent.

Re back foot shots, I believe the back foot glances in this game are done poorly. I've raised this before and someone has clarified how its meant to work, however 'back in the day' when I used to play cricket, the back foot leg glance was one of my fav and easiest shots. For pretty much any ball on leg stump, all I'd do is step back (right foot) and glance it to square leg or fine. Unfortunately unless you get the LS just right, your batsman will walk towards off leaving your leg stump exposed.

Therefore, for any straight balls on a good length, I always glance using the front foot ie. LS = up, RS = left (glances to square leg); or you can glance to mid wicket (another fav) which is LS = up, RS = 10/11 o'clock position. These are very easy shots to play but you must time them (ie. beware the slower ball) or you end up LBW.

Remember, you can play pretty much any shot off the back foot ie. drives, cuts, glances, blocks, etc. Just remember what your strength was when you set up your batsman (front/back foot) as your stats will be higher for this type of shot. I do notice sometimes that front foot cover drives go for 2 or 3, back foot cover drives leave a hole in the fence as they pass through! Weird because you get more power in a front foot shot.
I still bat in far bowling camera, I find picking the line the best in this view plus the bowling is a little slower for the camera. I have made double tones on pro on the PC and 188* on PS4 so I know this view works. I had a 340 run partnership, never done that before in this game.
Which difficulty level are you playing on? If it's Amateur or lower, the game decides which foot you play on along with a little automation of shot selection as well IIRC.
I am on pro.

One thing I have just sussed out.

Backfoot command of LAS to 6 o clock is asking for wonky batsman behaviour.

But if you lean the LAS to 7 ish or 5ish the shots come of with nice animation.

Something weird happens on xbox one when you put that stick to six o clock.

Pharoah, I just read what you wrote, try the stick at 7 and 5. Or even 8 and 4
yeah thanks mate - might try that. It annoys me that the 6 oclock position (which shd be default) gives you that strange movement. The only reason you could use that movement is to replicate the 'Steve Smith Shuffle' where he shuffles past offstump to smack a straight ball to square leg.

Learn something new everyday!! :)
Ok after playing a T20 with the auckland aces I am still puzzled by the back foot commands.

I think the main issue is the game has a terrible time judging your downward stick movement.

If you preload it, it works correctly but you need to get the right ball bowled. So preloading it is a waste of time.

If you don't preload it, and you do it as you recognize you need to get on the back foot the game starts making all sorts of wrong decisions for you.

Who knew there were so many duck (leave) animations in the game? Its borderline ridiculous.

My batsman would rather do kung fu routines or curl into a ball before getting on the back foot.

But wow, when the game says oh you want to get on the back foot, I will help, well then you get some quality looking back foot shots.

If I was the dev I would certainly tweak this so the bail out animations happened 10% of the time and back foots 90. Its the other way round right now.
Who knew there were so many duck (leave) animations in the game? Its borderline ridiculous.

Yeah I agree, only 2 are needed really, leave and duck, leave should be automatic or at least give us the option. The current animations I find are quite sluggish and with the AI they leave the bat hanging out which results in the ball hitting it then looping up to the slips or the boundary. Once in a while would be acceptable but when you are talking 15/20 times a game it also becomes ridiculous.
Playing Don Bradman pc version enjoying the game and getting used to the controls,but just can not play spin bowling,game is set to play on amateur,any tips or help, or am I just not good enough!
Playing Don Bradman pc version enjoying the game and getting used to the controls,but just can not play spin bowling,game is set to play on amateur,any tips or help, or am I just not good enough!

This game needs some getting used to.
Playing Don Bradman pc version enjoying the game and getting used to the controls,but just can not play spin bowling,game is set to play on amateur,any tips or help, or am I just not good enough!

My tips are:

1. play everything on the back foot (except #2 below). ie. WAIT...then play on the back foot for everything EXCEPT trying to cut a ball spinning away when bowled by a left arm orthodox spinner. No matter how good you are, the game will make you nick it more often than not.
2. if the ball is straight/leg side, play a front foot glance to square leg ie. LS = up, RS = left.
3. practice the reverse sweep. More often than not the AI won't have a point fielder = easy 2 runs (ie. milk it while you can - usually 2-3 times before they put a fielder there)
4. don't go for big hits until you're well established (50+)
5. if the ball isn't a bad one - block it.

I find playing spinners the hardest while batting purely because you have to wait and time the ball.
I had a right arm spinner come in last night and he bowled a good length leg break (I dug in to my leg side and was set to spin across me) that I reached out (LAS 11) and flicked to square leg (RS 9) for six.

I picked it off the ground right after the bounce before it had a chance to leap too far sideways on me.

It was seriously heroic looking. I need to record more of the cool things that happen in this game.

And back foot.

I am getting better at playing these but the issue with them is still the game choosing the animation. With the back foot animations you get what you ask for via the controls but only if you recognise and input the shot with the quickness. The timing window for back foot shots is very small and if you miss it the game chooses a leave animation.

Compared to the front foot where you can push up and stay out there all day long with just about your full arsenal of bat flicks at your disposal this small timing window for back foot makes it much trickier to pull off the shots. For me at least.
I've had this game since 360 launch and I still can't bat for shit, make stupid mistakes too easily and end up rage quitting. Determined to finally win a match in a distance over t20 with the Xbox One version. My main problem is running, always has been. My inability to bat makes me a sad panda
When the fast bowlers bowl something on leg at a good length is there any way to push the ball between mid on and square leg? i can play a pull that works on the back foot but if it's a bit fuller i can't work out an on drive that goes squarer
When the fast bowlers bowl something on leg at a good length is there any way to push the ball between mid on and square leg? i can play a pull that works on the back foot but if it's a bit fuller i can't work out an on drive that goes squarer

Yes, its a front foot leg glance type shot ie. LS = UP (front foot), RS = Left or at the 10-11 o'clock positions. Thats pretty much how its played IRL (Kevin Pietersen was a good proponent of that shot but was his downfall during the last ashes) from memory.

LS = Up, RS = Left glances the ball to square leg
LS = Up, RS = Left (10/11 o'clock positions) tend to push it through midwicket

The back foot shots tend to glance it to square leg or fine leg. Thats what I've found anyway.

*edit* the above shots are my 'money' shots ie. anything good/full on middle/leg gets glanced to square leg for 1-2 easy runs (the old Mark Waugh special).
We should chart as many shots as we can with the LAS and RAS input.

so using your info

Some Front Foot shots------------
Drive to Cover LAS 12 RAS 1
Straight Drive LAS 12 RAS 12
Off Drive LAS 12 RAS 11
Front Foot Leg Glance to square LAS 12 RAS 9 - its not a glance though if termed a deflection
Front Foot Leg Glance to midwicket LAS 12 RAS 10/11 same as above, not a glance
Sweep to Square/Fine LAS 12 RAS 9/8/7 (you need a slower ball or a leg spinner delivery)
Cut to point LAS 12 RAS 3
Cut to 3rd man LAS 12 RAS 5

Both cut shots are easier if the ball has been delivered off stump.

Some Back Foot shots---------------
Pull LAS 6 RAS 10/9 (best with a ball coming right at stumps/you)
Hook (never played one in the game yet) LAS 6 RAS 8/7
Cut to point LAS 6 RAS 3
Cut to 3rd man LAS 6 RAS 5

LAS 6 RAS 6 is a money shot in practice mode

As above, both cut shots are easier if the ball has been delivered off stump.

Front Footwork based on line of delivery---
If the ball is delivered off stump change LAS 12 to LAS 1
If the ball is delivered leg side change LAS 12 to LAS 11

Same deal but Back Foot
If the ball is delivered off stump change LAS 6 to LAS 5/4
If the ball is delivered leg side change LAS 6 to LAS 7/8

Another thing I wonder, is there batter "scaling" by that I mean I see you wrote don't go for big shots until after a half century.

But what if you choose a quick T20 or even quicker T10? You need to come out firing just to start stacking up runs. I don't think the game is sophisticated enough to "ease" the initial batting difficulty in these type matches. If it is not present I guess they could sort of simulate it by inflating the batters confidence in shorter match lengths.
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How do you just nudge the ball around your legs?

Watching west indies at south africa on willow right now and South Africa are playing all sorts of little crafty knocks and nudges and pushes for 1's.

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