The question is if he is the saviour then why simon is dead .
I tracked Simon, and he was seen near thedon. I think you're confusing Tracker with your role, which is the watcher.
But the thing is I don't see the reasoning in Varun claiming that role, with a tracker already claiming, I would've cced without thought.
I don't know his thoughts, but I certainly feel he was trying to lay low, possibly get a mafia to claim tracker so that he could cc.
I've looked back and it by the looks of things, Muskateer is Gretchen. Abbas hasn't revealed his character, pretty sure that would've been the first thing he would've mentioned, Varun at least did as much.
Varun already character claimed.
I'm Becky Detweiler, T.J.'s Sister. I don't know much about what's happening and although I couldn't really be bothered, it's upto me to figure it out on my own. I'm a Vanilla Townie.
I'd like to come clean here, and admit I'm neither a vanilla, nor a townie. I'm infact individual aligned, and the role PM elucidates it is because I'm a misfit in this group, and I'd just want to blend in. Varun forgot to remove this line when he fake claimed - "it's upto me to figure it out on my own", which is there in the original PM.
Coming to think of it, tracker is a very unconventional role for an individual, but very smart indeed (who would've thought oUser coming up with something like this?

). As an individual, I can side with the mafia or the town. Trackers can essentially easily find out who have night roles, and when combined with the mafia, they essentially narrow down the power roles.
When sided with the town, and especially with the watcher, the combo can be an easy replacement for the cop.
I think Varun might have been confused how to use the role, or whether people might have believed it or not. Either ways, his play wasn't upto the mark at all, and I'd like everyone to think with an open mind before jumping to lynches.
Not sure what Abhas is trying here, could be a last ditch effort to save himself since he knows he can't get out otherwise. Also trying to claim with a guilty on thedon may be a bad attempt at trying to frame his partner (or just a random townie for that matter), hoping that some of the inexperienced town do actually end up lynching otherwise.
I don't know why both hedger and thedon have been this aggressive towards me. From my results, and from the general gameplay, I'm 100% sure atleast one of them is mafia. They might as well be a team too.
Also, you're saying the town is inexperienced, which definitely makes me think seriously that thedon and Hedger might be a mafia team. Hedger is quite experienced, so is thedon. If they were town, that's 2 very experienced townies.
I'm going to go ahead with putting some pressure, and get some discussion going.
Lynch: thedon
He is intent on just lynching, and a frustration of a missed night kill is quite evident.