Request Or Suggestions for Future Patches / Big Ant Gaming Series

1. Please turn the red ball a bit darker
2. If possible make the default shoe color as white, currently its black, red and white. Plain white shoes give more realism

Along those same lines;

Please make all default First Class batting pads white. It makes seeing lbw's easier and would be more realistic (I don't recall seeing first class teams wear colored pads anywhere.. but I am Canadian so not an expert :lol).
Please add the leader-board rank next to the PSN ids (for example: pathiik | Rank 165) when an online match starts. It will really help if I know my opposition is way better / poorer than me or if he is roughly the same skill level as me. This would help me be make better decisions like how much target I would like to set / chase. I think this might be a very small change in terms of technical changes, but would be immensely helpful.
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Along those same lines;

Please make all default First Class batting pads white. It makes seeing lbw's easier and would be more realistic (I don't recall seeing first class teams wear colored pads anywhere.. but I am Canadian so not an expert :lol).
They don't for those reasons so good point.
They are not doing charity or giving the game away for free. In fact they are fleecing people by releasing bug-ridden games at full price.....and talk about announcing Ashes cricket just a few months later without fixing DBC 17......another cash grab effort.

As far as the rating goes.......the less said the better about both the game and the ignorant reviewers/fanboys.
So the same can be said for the whole industry... ! A tad strong where other developers have released stuff in worse condition... But what do we mean by condition?
1. Please turn the red ball a bit darker
2. If possible make the default shoe color as white, currently its black, red and white. Plain white shoes give more realism

I would go a step further and ask for an option to select Brand / Color of balls. Just like we have bats under equipment.
Football games have this for long, Cricket can have it too.
You can modify the keeper slip position to "Up, Normal or Back" use triangle (PS4) and change on that menu

I'm aware, but does the AI do this?

This came up in Ashes Cricket PC Released Thread

I suggest to include:
1. Some indication for keeper's placement (say green for default, red for up ad yellow for back).
2. A separate notification, when the AI / Opponent moves the keeper up or back. Not to be mixed with the regular field change notification.

For future games:

3. Alternatively or in addition to the above, a comment from the commentator on Keeper change would be nice.
4. A separate animation (with a different camera view) where the keeper moves up or back; wears a helmet or changes to a cap.
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First up all it is to mention that The games is fantastic and brilliant for Cricket lover. It has all types of shots and Great game play and deep career mode.
ya..I really agree with you
Few suggestions for next patch -----

1. Outside fielders should be at boundary line so that single can be taken easily
2. Rain is coming on bright sunny day. This may be fixed.
3. Sometimes Keeper positioning is going wired.(In front of Stumps/ Facing Backwards )
4.Academy getting hanged sometimes
5. Frame issue
6. Square cut shoot needs to be improved.
7. AI team selection needs to be revamped.
8. More commentary names.
9.Cancelling the run and extra time to return for coming back to crease needs to be checked
10. AI field setting needs to be strengthened as it keeps fielders inside even after hitting lots of run in l lots of overs
11. Career Player we can introduce a column to count 'Man Of the Matches' / 'Man Of the Series'
12. Shot force/power needs to be fixed like every shot goes four or six
13. Pitches behavior needs improvement like pitches grassy needs to seam more and dry needs to spin more

Thanks Big ANT Team for giving us such a great game.
Missing features 1 to 10 which can be added.
1.When we create a custom team and we want to
edit the players of the custom team all player= filters= then can't find the team, was available in dbc 17
2.Frame rate issue in night matches.
3.Cut shot going straight toward long off to red short balls.
4.Broadcast camera missing for batting training mode.
5.Pitch wear visual missing.
6.Backfoot shots are underpowered.
7.Spinners should be allowed to bowl with sunglasses on.
8.More hairstyles and sunglasses need to be add in ashes as what we have it's same as dbc 17 there are no new additions being a newer game.
9.Ball visibility is poor while batting.
10.Online tournament mode was there in dbc 14.

Offline fixes needed
1.Ai field placement really pathetic
2..Ai still not taking singles in smaller grounds my suggestion is to remove all the smaller grounds.
3.Ai bowling line need a attention bowling too Nanny wides.
4.Ai chasing runs attacking needs to be tuned for example 1 ball 6 runs to win ai should go for the boundry.

Online fixes needed
1.Field presets option not there in online mode.
2.The ball should be seen 2 sec earlier in legend mode at for the batsman while batting should be tweaked a bit atleast for broadcast camera batting.
3.Online is different from offline where u get more competative matches where the human are bowling with more variations red balls can be connected but online to medium bowling there is a problem so please bring back front foot pull and cut shot to red balls are a must please add it at least for online mode as players are editing heights shorter or taller
At some perticular bounce lower and higher shots are not be able to be connected serious issue for online as ai does not bowl that lenght surely something is missing in shot making for wider medium ball cutters higer and lower.
There is a perticular bounce of red balls where it's not connecting neither in Front foot nor backfoot.
Actually the batting animation is not playing the shot according to the bounce, either the ball staying low or going higer medium bowlers are bowling at 104 kmp or 93 kmp.The cut shot animation on connecting.
4..Few shots broken with standard control.
5.Front foot pull and cut shots are real in the game should be added.
6.Online tournament mode was there in dbc14
Fantasy dream If it can be added not a must
Man of the match presentation and drinks intervals
Are the areas few cut scenes can be added for online mode as sometimes we may need a 2 min break.
Thanks bigant for a wonderful game and support u r providing.
I agree with most of the points with Dean johnes

1) AI filed placement is really bad. When i hit 4 consecutive 4s in same over, AI never puts fielder there and keeps same field setting.
- In test AI bowls with 3 slips,
- For fast bowlers filed setting is also weird in test and not as per the situations

2) AI bowls too many wides. They are not bowling any off side lines to left hander. For left hander batsman line is either on leg or outside of leg.

3) AI does not score according to the RR. Plays defensive shots in last overs in ODIs and T20s

4) PITCH wear, foot marks, cracks widening are the really good features in DBC17 and these features are missing here. Pitch looks same as day 1 to day 5.

5) While moving batsman on crease, batsman slowly moves with face down and it takes so much time. In DBC17 you can smoothly move batsman in last moment with eyes and head stay still. This is a seriously pathetic change in Ashes Cricket 17.

6) RED ball is very dark red and more like saturated RED, Its not cherry RED. Same with PINK ball, its too bright not vivid pink like in real.

7) Batsmen gets stumped out while leaving is also something needs to sort out.

I hope some of the points are very common for all. Its not easy to fix all the points or may be not even possible but i expect some of the most concerning and discussed points will be sorted out in next patch.

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1) People are asking for pitch variations according to grounds I guess is very much possible

For example: By the use of modifiers developers can make Perth with default extra bounce, chennai with spin, Lords with swing etc. So it would be great if the grounds and pitch type can have its own characteristics. And this can be achieved by changing the default always active physics according to the ground and pitches by developers.

2) Further as I have mentioned before while batting I cant seem to edge the ball no matter how and where I play the shot.
[1] new ball colour is very light, it shoud DARKER RED than now,and white ball colour grapic also should be good
Of course pitch variations are possible. We had them in ashes 2009 and previous games on worse machines. Dust bowls in India. Green decks in the UK. 5 day pitch ware as foot marks came into play etc
option to have autosave after every over /every 10 overs etc in career game .Although quicker than it was in db17 its still irritating after every change of strike.

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