Requests Accepted Requests Thread *NOT For Requesting From Specific PC Users*

Hey creators!

I was wondering if someone could possibly upload to the Cricket 19 Academy, this image of my old Cricket club’s logo I grew up playing for.

The logo is the shield with the HPCC lettering.

Any help with this would be very much appreciated.
Shared under Kiko_97
Hi All,

If anyone wants to have a go at these i would be very grateful.

Quick question... has anyone created the following kits :-

1. Kits (and/or teams) from Benson & Hedges series from 1980s (for Aus, WI, Eng, Ind, Pak, NZ).
2. Kits (and/or teams) from 1992 World Cup.

If not, then treat it as a request and would really appreciate if anyone can create these two sets of kits.
I also did a Vince would love it if you could do the same for that

I've just shared a Mason Crane using your model and the face texture from Ashes17 like @Llewelynf suggested.

Under Spoobir (or just search for Crane there aren't many).


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