Piracy is never going out of India as gaming is an expensive hobby here! It’s as simple as that. Cost of gaming (as a percentage of income of 90% of the households) is insanely high for most to be able to justify spending on it. Yet there is that desire to play games, and pirated/copied games seems the obvious solution to most.
One of the major contributing factors is obviously the ease with which these pirated games and movies are available. Every market (even the smallest ones) has atleast one shop or stall that openly sells these and Infact have them on display in the open in front of their shops/stalls. And then there’s the mindset, There isn’t any taboo associated with buying pirated stuff here and thus there is absolutely 0% social pressure on anyone to stop buying them (people also see these things selling so openly in all markets without any crackdown on it that most would not even know it’s illegal.
There are only two things that can stop or discourage piracy, first being the law and the second being personal morals to do what is right. Here, neither is the law practiced in this regard (as can be seen with the way the pirated stuff is sold openly in almost all markets) nor does the personal moral kick in as people justify it in their mind with many reasons like lesser cost, no social pressure, no crackdown on these shops = it must not be wrong!
Above is obviously my own point of view and why I feel if things remain the same, piracy is never going away from here. There needs to be a strict implementation of the law to stop piracy and only then will it be curbed and then slowly after a couple of generations people will also consider it morally wrong to buy them
PS: Personly I’m totally against piracy and have not bought any pirated stuff since ages. What I wrote above is not in any way justifying piracy but just putting across my point of view on why piracy is so rampant and is not going anywhere . BigAnt gave it a shot, but they realized that the pricing of the original will not deter the pirate who is used to buying the games at 1/20th of the price and thus it only makes sense to price the game in a way that they make profit on every copy sold.