Ricky Ponting and Umpires

Absolutely, Ponting is totally guilty. It won't be long before the ICC orders a shooting squad to gun him down at dawn.:p

Well,whats an Ashes Test without some sledging, some fighting and controversy ?
Adds to the fun, I'd say.
Plus cricket has bigger problems. Like players taking money to loose games

Personally I hate cheating to win much more than cheating to lose. And cheating to bowl a no-ball (ie. spot-fixing) is insignificant in comparison.

The Australians seem to think they are the umpires' bosses. I saw a bouncer called as a wide, and Ponting formed a committee of his players to lobby against the decision. Couldn't hear what they were saying of course, but the body language suggested both Ponting and the bowler Siddle thought they should have a veto over the decision.

How awesome has UDRS been (especially for England). How many match-significant decisions were overturned? Mostly in England's favour. Australia will have to resort to alternatives, now they can no longer rely on benefitting from regular bad umpiring decisions. Might be a one-eyed Barmy Brit view, but UDRS is the best thing for the game since...Botham
Personally I hate cheating to win much more than cheating to lose. And cheating to bowl a no-ball (ie. spot-fixing) is insignificant in comparison.

You don't seem to have a problem with matches that are fixed ? Someone offers your English side $10 mn to lose the rest of the Ashes Tests and you would be fine with that ?:eek:
You don't seem to have a problem with matches that are fixed ? Someone offers your English side $10 mn to lose the rest of the Ashes Tests and you would be fine with that ?:eek:

Which do you think is worse: deliberately losing a game for money (or whatever), or winning a match by manipulating umpires into giving you favourable (but wrong) decisions?

I think they're both about equally bad. They both result in falsifying the match outcome. As I said, PERSONALLY I hate the latter (manipulating umpires' decisions to win) more than the former (deliberately playing badly to lose).
Ponting is a jerk.

First he says he wants the fielder's word to be accepted, then he claims a catch that was clearly not out,

Then a catch is claimed, and Ponting acts like a child and refuses to take the fielder's word.

He is a spoiled little child.

What Ponting really wants is the law to be changed to...if Ponting says it's out, it is out...if Ponting says it is not out, it is not out.

Sorry, but he is a jerk, and he is not the first person to learn that if you behave like a jerk then no one will like you.

And yeah, just because the kettle is black, doesn't mean it can't call the pot whatever it likes, black is still black, no matter who is looking.

"Look at my average, 58 mate, and you are questioning my integrity?"

"Yeah, I am."
Since when does anybody manipulate umpires?
It happens a lot. It's hard to ignore that there is a trend amongst umpires to give the benefit of doubt to the more 'successful' players. In that when it's a tight LBW or caught behind call, and it's a BD seamer bowling to Tendulkar or Ponting, the benefit of the doubt will go to the batsman. On the other hand, McGrath or Warne bowling to a BD lower order batsman (or even top order batsman) will get decisions going their way most of the time.

It's because we subconsciously believe that since the player in question is better, he is less likely to get out to/is more likely to have dismissed the other lesser player. If Tapash Baisya rapped Tendulkar on the pads first ball and there is some doubt over if it was bat or pad first, you're more inclined to believe it was bat first because it's Tendulkar against this unknown seamer from nowhere, the odds of him getting out first ball are highly unlikely. Same with a tail-ender facing a McGrath or Warne or Murali. You're thinking they're probably out, it's a legendary bowler and a rubbish batsman.

It's the same with pressurising umpires with loud appeals. When they hear the whole slip cordon, bat pad, bowler all scream for an edge you aren't quite sure you heard, you tend to believe that maybe there was something and you just missed it. And especially if they players appealing in question are Aussie or Indian, because if you give it not out and it was out, you'll have to take a lot of flak for it later. If they're Aussie players, they're going to be bitching about it to you, and if they're Indians, the media will crucify you. And even if you're right about there not being an edge, you don't want to risk being wrong because of all the ████ you'll have to take later, so you give it out.

Yes, at the Elite level such mistakes shouldn't be happening and Umpires must have more mental strength than that and shouldn't be biased. But just because it shouldn't happen, doesn't mean that it won't happen.

And Australian players are quite bad at this, because people like Ponting whine and bitch about it to the umpires during the match, which is horrible sportsmanship. And can cause them to give decisions in their favour later on in the game.

Ponting should have been fined or punished for this because it is showing dissent to the umpires after a bad decision. Many other players have been fined for that same crime for doing less.

Although I think every country in the world tries to manipulate umpires with excessively loud appeals when there is any doubt, or not walking until the umpire makes his decision.
What Ponting really wants is the law to be changed to...if Ponting says it's out, it is out...

Exactly that. I don't doubt he's not the only one, but it certainly applies to him.

"Look at my average, 58 mate, and you are questioning my integrity?"

"Yeah, I am."

:yesAbsolutely! The hard part is finding much integrity to question.
Gambhir went for the cut. Didn't hit it but it looked close. Loud appeal. Umpire shook his head. They kept on appealing. He changed his mind and gave it out.
What Zorax said. Ump shook his head, McCullum kept appealing so ump changed his mind because the appeal was hurting his ears and he wanted them to stop.
What Zorax said. Ump shook his head, McCullum kept appealing so ump changed his mind because the appeal was hurting his ears and he wanted them to stop.


Appealing has nothing to do with manipulating an umpire though, its part of the game.

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