Rosters,Gm's,Belts in First Post. Hardcore Show up on 2nd Page. Follow the War

Name: Zorax
Wrestlers Name: Ryan Crouch
Gimmick: Dual-Sports Superstar
Face/Heel: Face
Weight: Heavyweight
Hometown: Trinidad and Tabago, WI
Finishers: Late Cut (Impact) and Reverse Swing (Top Rope)

Name: Zorax
Wrestlers Name: Stacy Crouch
Gimmick: Manager
Face/Heel: Face
Weight: Lightweight
Hometown: Trinidad and Tabago, WI
Finishers: Dunnow, amke something up. She's a manager.

Name: Zorax
Wrestlers Name: Amol Subhesh
Gimmick: Monster (Needs Menacing Factor for this to work)
Face/Heel: Heel
Weight: Heavyweight
Hometown: India
Finishers: Death Grip (Sumbission) and Devestater (Impact)
thanks alot zorak! now i wont need as many proper wrestlers!
No More Wrestlers Please I Have My Roster Consisting Of Lots Of Different People From Different Brands And Quite A Few Created People. So The Battle Is About To Commence
im not posting a preview im just gonna post results in a bit..its gonna be good
No Im Keeping you in suspens for Who is on my Roster! thats my plan. I will Announce more after this show.
Adrenaline Rush
Pyros go off all around the Arena and the song as the Adrenaline Rush them tune plays through the speakers in the Arena.
Mike Johnson: Hello and welcome to the first ever edition Adrenaline Rush. I’d like to welcome my colleague the great Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Steve Austin: It’s a pleasure to be here with you and it’s finally time for somebody to beat those Pussy’s back at WWE and time to watch Some Real Wrestling.

AJ Styles music plays through arena as he walks down to the ring.

MJ: He looks as if he means business tonight Steve.
SA: He certainly does I wouldn’t blame I mean business to.

AJ: Tonight Im here to talk about JJS. This guy is in his first ever wrestling fed and he walks around backstage like he owns the place. Im the best around here and all of you know that. So if you really own the place come down here JJS.
JJS music plays and he’s got a microphone in his hand as he walks onto the entrance.
AJ: So you decided to come down then ‘Mr Big Stuff’.
JJS: Yeah I did well spotted i thought the crowd should see a real wrestler.
JJS and AJ Styles Trade insults until refrees step in and stop a brawl From happening.
(1st segment. Rating 50%)

Steve Austin: WOW Mike we’ve only got about 10 minutes into our show already they hate each other. I can’t wait to see what happens in the rest of the show.
MJ: You sure are right Steve, I wonder whats up next?

LAX’s Theme tune hits as Ladders are set up around the ring. The Tag Team Belts Hung up above the ring.
MJ: Our first ever match is a Ladder Match for Adrenaline Rush Tag team Titles.

The Hardy’s Music hits as the crowd erupt into cheers. They Make their way Down to the ring where this match is about to start.

The bell rings and the match gets underway: Driven DDT by Jeff Hardy on Homicide. He Looks Dazed. The ring shook violently. Big backdrop on M.Hardy, executed well Hernandez. Hernandez scoops up M.Hardy. Homicide bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Homicide hits a stump piledriver on Jeff Hardy. Ladder shot by Homicide. J.Hardy crushes Homicide with a big legdrop. Giant Effecticos come running down the aisle with chairs! M.Hardy whips Hernandez into the ropes. Silva jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Silva, Hernandez, and the chair! Hernandez falls to the canvas. Hernandez can barely stand. Here it comes - Twist Of Fate. Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy go up the ladder and grab the prize for the win. We have three sets of grapplers in the ring, as The Hardys, LAX and Giant Effecticos look at each other. Before the inevitable brawl erupts, a host of referees hit the ring to keep them apart.

Steve Austin: OMG that was insane, The Hardy’s have won the very first championship match on Adrenaline Rush.

(Segment 2, Overall rating 84%, Crowd reaction 84%, Match Quality 85%. Notes: The Adrenaline Tag Team Titles title has lost image. Gigante Silva is losing overness because of his weak gimmick)

Shane Warne’s music hits and he poses to the crowd he receives alot of Boo’s
Ian Bell Runs out from behind and Warne Doesnt Notice, Ian Bell scores with a back heel kick on SW
(Bell Rings)
Driven DDT by Ian Bell. The ring shook violently, Flying reverse elbow by Ian Bell. Warne walks into a face crusher. Ian Bell moves in for the kill. Spining Round House Kick! 1....2....3. Ian Bell gives a murderous look toward Shane Warne...and attacks! SW gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts.
MJ: That was an amazing win for Ian Bell he looks like one of the better wrestlers.
SA: Yeah he looked really dominant. The superstars in the back should watch out.
(Segment 3, Overall Rating:55%,Crowd Reaction:59%,Match Quality:46%)

Carribean Cool Plays through the speakers and Carlito comes down to do his first Edition of Carlito’s Cabana on PWE. While Shane Warne slowly makes his way to the Back.
Carlito: Tonight’s guest on this cool edition of Carlito’s cabana is CM Punk,
CM Punk comes out to a huge cheer he plays with the crowd and finally gets in the ring.
Carlito: Your not cool, You were on ECW on WWE now that isn’t cool.
CM Punk doesn’t say anything.
Carlito: See Carlito was on Raw where I challenged for Intercontinental Championship. I was the greatest one to ever live.
CM Punk becomes increasingly annoyed, There is clear tension and CM Punk finally attacks Carlito.
They Brawl Right to the back with CM Punk having the Upper Hand.
(Segment 4, Rating 80%)

SA: Wow that was crazy Edition of Carlito’s Cabana. Do you wanna have a beer Mike?
MJ: No thanks, but I will recap the night so far. We started off with AJ Styles and JJS throw insults at each other, Then The hardy’s won the first ever Championship match in a Ladder Match against LAX but a run in From Giant Effecticos helped. We then saw Ian Bell dominate against a Large Shane Warne and just now Carlito and CM Punk brawled to the back after the First Edition of Carlito’s Cabana.

Next Up Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer for The PWE Hardcore Championship Title
Dreamer walks into a high dropkick from Sabu. Sabu Goes to the outside and looks under the ring and comes out with a trash can and nails Dreamer on the head with it.
SA: That was a brutal shot.
Dreamer blocks the suplex attempt. Sabu gets slammed onto the already dented trash can, squashing it. Full nelson slam on Sabu. Cover 1, 2, Sabu kicks out. Kick to the gut from Sabu to Tommy Dreamer in the gut to reverse the momentum. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Dreamer is down. There's a two count on the pin. DDT from the top rope by Sabu. That looked brutal. Pin, but Dreamer is out just before the three count. Tommy Dreamer pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Dreamer bodyslams Sabu. Tommy Dreamer misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Hard back suplex on Dreamer. Tommy Dreamer gets knocked to the ground by Sabu, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Arabian Facebuster!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Sabu extends his hand to Dreamer...and it is accepted! They shake!
SA: That was one hellacious match and expected to see many more.
(Segment 5, MR; 67%, MQ;63%, CR;72%)

SA: We can now go over to The Hardy’s backstage.
Matt: Giant Efficticos you nearly cost us our match but it seems like you want a title shot. On One Condition you come out next week and Fight us like men.
Jeff : Khali, Gigante Silva were not scared of you.
(Segment 6, Rating 79)
MJ: it certainly Looks like the Hardy’s aren’t scared to take on all comers for the titles.

Ryan Crouch’s Music hits and he comes out with his sister Stacey. She performs the splits as he gets into the ring and then plays with the crowd while Amol Subhesh makes his way down to the
The Bell rings and the match is started, Stiff chop lights up Ryan Crouch. Big clothesline on from Amol. Cover for a two count. Ryan Crouch avoids a Amol Subhesh avalanche. Rude Awakening on Amol Subhesh by Crouch. Hooks the leg for a two count. Spear by Ryan Crouch. Hooks the leg for a another two count. Crouch is to busy playing to the crowd and walks straight into a spike slam. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Amol Subhesh misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Ryan Crouch charges, AS moves, and the referee is conveniently placed to get knocked out. Ryan Crouch scores with a standing spinebuster. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Spear by Ryan Crouch. Pin, but AS is out just before the three count. Amol Subhesh has Ryan Crouch down on the canvas. Here it comes...Death Grip! Ryan Crouch taps! Ryan Crouch gives a murderous look toward Amol Subhesh...and attacks! Amol gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. Crouch picks him up...and launches him over the top rope to the outside.
MJ: What an outstanding victory for Subhesh, but crouch looks like a pshyco.
SA: You gotta admit the mike his sister is smoking hot. I’ll Drink to that.
(Segment 7, Overall Rating:60,Match Quality:62,Crowd Reaction;59)

MJ; Steve, I’m receiving breaking news that Ric Flair has been Mysteriously Attacked.
(They show footage of Flair on the floor)
SA: Well well the dirtiest player in the game just got done.

(Segment 8, Rating 100%)

Lashley’s Music Hits and Out he comes. Followed the sound of Royalty its KING BOOKER.
The Bell rings and the wrestlers lock up in the middle for a test of strength, Big clothesline on Booker. Quick cover for a two count on the pin. Booker kicks Bobby Lashley in the gut to reverse the momentum. Big backdrop on Lashley, executed well. King Booker fires off some right and left hands. Flying shoulder tackle by Booker sends Lashley to the mat. Lashley blocks the suplex attempt. Spinebuster by Bobby Lashley. Bobby Lashley moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Running Powerslam. 1....2...3, it's finished. Bobby Lashley is still in the ring celebrating. King Booker pushes the referee away. King Booker spins Lashley around. King Booker hits the Scissors Kick!
(Segment 9 OR;78, CR;82, MQ;72)

MJ: Booker just took an advantage from a lapse in concentration by Bobby Lashley. You can’t lose concentration in this life.

Some more Royalty music hits but this time its for Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler,
SA; I wonder what the hell he’s doing here.
Jerry Lawler: Im out here to announce something.
Crowd: What.
JL: The new GENERAL MANAGER of Adrenaline Rush.
A Car Crash noise fills the arena.
MJ: OMG its Mick Foley, Mick Foley is the new GM of Adrenaline Rush.
JL: Everybody, Mick Foley.
MF: Thanks alot Jerry, When somebody told me PWE had formed a promotion to rival WWE i thought yes a chance to get away and beat them. WWE have hurt me and mis-treated me since i joined them. I was given the Chance to Leave and i did. Now im here. My First Ever announcement is for the Main Event it will be Zorax vs Holdenator vs Eagle Eye vs .... Damage. Right now. Oh yeah and its for the Adrenaline Championship.
(segment 10 rating 90%)

Ding Ding, Bodyslam by Holdenator on Zorax, Holdenator uses a forearm to the face to and takes down damage . There's a two count on the pin. Eagle Eye takes a clothesline and is still standing. Back suplex on Damage by Zorax. Holdenator uses a forearm to the face on Eagle Eye. Zorax blocks a punch from Damage. Tiger suplex on holdenator. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Zorax defeats Holdenator.(3 wrestlers left) Big backdrop on Zorax, executed well by Damage. Full nelson slam on Zorax . There's a two count on the pin. Bodyslam by Damage. Eagle Eye slams Damage down. Eagle Eye hits an elbow on Damage. Damage pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Bodyslam by Damage. Damage scores with a standing spinebuster. Pin, three count, it's over. Damage pins Eagle. (Damage and Zoraz left)Spear by Damage. Pin, but Zorax gets his shoulder up just before the three count.. Damage gets knocked to the ground by Zorax, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Off the top - The Zoraxis, forget about it. 1....2...3!
Zorax is the new Champion
We go off air with Zorax standing in the middle of the ring over Damages Body..
(Overall Rating;52%, Crowd Reaction;42%, Match Quality;62%)

Overall 69%
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Great first show Ollie, kinda gutted Eagle didn't win but at least he was in the main event WOOO!!! lol!

well done, looking forward to the next installment!

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nice work ollie, nice to see some superstars mixed with us. i'll try reviewing it for you:
AJ+JJS: slow start i think it may have been better to have the king announcing foley as the gm first though.

Hardyz+LAX: Decent match, and a decent result - nice work

Warne+Bell: Personally i didn't like it, but thats just my opinion

CM+Carlito: Very realistic - Carlito giving it all mouth, Punk quiet - good

Sabu+Dreamer: Nice idea, but it is face vs face, so you may have had a higher rating if it was heel vs face.

Crouch+Subhesh: A reasonable match rating, maybe you could have this as your opening match??

King+Lashley: Very good match, nice idea

GM Announcement: Like i said earlier, very good idea - perhaps better at the start.

Main Event: Good idea, shame about only a reasonable match rating.

Overal a decent start to the show, i think it could be better if there was more people from PC on it. :)

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