I reckon ManD and VV have some strong Ionic bond between them..
Oh.. no... sorry... Co ordinate Covalent bond..
Thats why they've interchanged their logos a bit..
To me, it looks as though there are some weak Vander Wall forces between Man D and Vatican. Though, I still believe, Beijing Blitzers will be able to defeat the likes of both because their team is strongly bonded by the powerful Hydrogen Bonds. I hope the Vander Wall forces break and Blitzers emerge as the winner of PCPL.
If you're strongly attracted to chemistry then I suggest you bond together into a functioning group in the education forum. We're pretty negative towards that sort of off-topic stuff in the PCPL forum!
I've you're strongly attracted to chemistry then I suggest you bond together into a functioning group in the education forum. We're pretty negative towards that sort of off-topic stuff in the PCPL forum!
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