Round 11: Manchester Divided v Beijing Blitzers @ Monkey Park(4.12.09)

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To me, it looks as though there are some weak Vander Wall forces between Man D and Vatican. Though, I still believe, Beijing Blitzers will be able to defeat the likes of both because their team is strongly bonded by the powerful Hydrogen Bonds. I hope the Vander Wall forces break and Blitzers emerge as the winner of PCPL.
urghh, please don't start on about bonding in chemistry, it's so annoying. especially when you get those giant covalent ones.

please can all chemistry chat end here,

on a proper note, hope we win this.
Anymore Chem-based posts shall be deleted! You're all reminding me of my pending Chem homework...:(
Let's see how good your chemistry is,
Don't go over to those kids amiya, they'll just throw the mud on you they're in. ;)

No offence.

If you're strongly attracted to chemistry then I suggest you bond together into a functioning group in the education forum. We're pretty negative towards that sort of off-topic stuff in the PCPL forum!
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The one started was me... I apologies for advertising Chemistry here.
BTW, when will be the match posted??
MD will win this for sure, BB don't have a chance at Monkey Park
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