"See how many we get" mafia - Endgame. BKB1991, mafia, wins

Good thinking there Sedition on the last one! Looked up bus driver and yeah could be that rather than Jester. Also, maybe the bus driver switched him and someone else?
This is a post to say 'ahoy, I know it's day but I'm on my phone so will post more thoroughly when I get in from cricket'.
Yeah but you are in Scotland, that's just a normal batting deck for you guys ;)
Day 1

They met and made their plans. Not much to do tonight really. The storm would come.

They laughed at the men who trusted them and planned their deaths.

Even though they were eminent members of the town, they were still suspicious of each other. They were wise. Trust no-one.

He had many a jape planned but on this occasion he thought it best to look after number 1. He laid his plan accordingly.

He preferered the company of his own folk. At least he knew they would watch his back for him.

He was scared of everyone and everything but he was safer than he realised.

1. This must be mafia.

2. Don't know if this is the reference to the mafia or some cult etc. It might be an SK, with the character being a group of people, like the basketball group in Scooby Doo mafia, but I'd only keep it as a faint possibility. Also, it might be a usurper since it says 'they laughed at the men who trusted them', or else simply portrays the fact that the mafia are unknown?

3. Possibly the important town roles who targeted each other.

4. No idea. Although it is possibly not be a Jester or similar role, since he seems to have a night role.

5. PREFERERED? Is that typo too obvious? Given that Colin already gave a hint through italics (and I pretty much agree that it is a hint), this might also be one, or a red herring possibly? Anyway, the person depicted seems to be a hider (a role who can 'hide' behind player on nights, thus becoming immune to any role that targets him but susceptible to any role/kill performed on the player he's chosen to hide behind), but it is a rare role so I won't attach much faith to it. Also, can be someone who chooses his alignment on Night 0, but that is very weird a role and I have not seen it ever in a game or even in the wiki)

6. Probably what Sedition said. Might be paranoid or even individual.

The 'WATCHER' pretty much makes sense to me since it is clear that it is intended to be a hint. Not sure about the make up of the game at all, given the writeup.

Going off now, will be on only 14-15 hours later.
Interesting point about the usurper. Could well be something that relates to the mafia that point.
I'm here I just won't be able to read this thread proper until tonight
Been quite a few who have dipped in and suggested they'd contribute more later. Be good to see them return.

I'm gonna go for my usual first day No Lynch so we can hopefully get another night of investigations in. As per usual I'm more than happy to lynch someone if they make a first day slip up.
Heh yeah, so far we've got PD, BKB, Varun and I playing :p Nothing much from User, Manly, Mark, Zhuorb and zero from Sim (gets a pass for now) and Yudi.

Keeping their cards close I guess, probably know something others aren't privy too.
Pretty pleased to be playing. :) Will just go through the thread and post my thoughts in a while.


Others waited and watched. All had a part to play.

Combined with the analysis done on the Day 1 write-up, this does seem to point to the possibility of a third party group, if not necessarily a cult. Wait and watch? Seems passive and needing to just sneak through without interfering. Infact, it could also mean that instead of there being a group, there could be more than 1 independent 3rd party. (Though I don't know if that is a common occurrence or not)


2. Don't know if this is the reference to the mafia or some cult etc. It might be an SK, with the character being a group of people, like the basketball group in Scooby Doo mafia, but I'd only keep it as a faint possibility. Also, it might be a usurper since it says 'they laughed at the men who trusted them', or else simply portrays the fact that the mafia are unknown?

The 'they' makes me think it doesn't really refer to the usurper but more probably to the mafia really. They are among us and we trust them, because we don't know them.


PREFERERED? Is that typo too obvious?

Hmm..not sure what to really make of it. It could be a typo really, but if its not..what does it tell us?


Cluless but I think this might be a bus driver or something that is there to confuse us

Yes, even if feel it might refer to a bus driver. Number 1 can refer to the godfather maybe, implying that the bus driver is mafia sided. Look after number 1? If not the gf, no 1 can be his topmost priority. He can be the usurper who is a bus driver too and he might have sent his night action trying to get rid of the gf somehow. Though how that is possible on a non-lethal night, I have no idea.


On further reading, my scenario above doesn't seem too likely. :facepalm
All had a part to play.

This is from night 0. Maybe everyone has a role, it means?

They met and made their plans. Not much to do tonight really. The storm would come.


They laughed at the men who trusted them and planned their deaths.

I don't really get this. This could be the mafias aren't actually one team or there are some super town roles..

Even though they were eminent members of the town, they were still suspicious of each other. They were wise. Trust no-one.

I think town roles targeted each other here.

He had many a jape planned but on this occasion he thought it best to look after number 1. He laid his plan accordingly.

Seems someone protected someone. But, what do jokes/tricks have to do with the doc? Could maybe meaning mafia as it says number 1. Not sure. And, I don't think this is the bus driver (someone mentioned it, I think). How would he look after someone?

He preferered the company of his own folk. At least he knew they would watch his back for him.

I am not really sure what this means.

He was scared of everyone and everything but he was safer than he realised.

Someone who isn't sure of his role maybe?

Also, coming to the italics part, I don't think clues like the scrambled words will be given. But, it seems they are. Watcher? Can be there..
Seems someone protected someone. But, what do jokes/tricks have to do with the doc? Could maybe meaning mafia as it says number 1. Not sure. And, I don't think this is the bus driver (someone mentioned it, I think). How would he look after someone?

You have a point. This is a bit tricky. The reason why some of us are thinking it might be the bus-driver is because it is a kind of role which 'jokes'/ confuses everyone..
I think we have to assume from the Day 0 that everyone has a role.

Everyone's analysed it to death, so I won't do the same...but I'm going to ask one point:

They laughed at the men who trusted them... What on earth? Like, it's probably referring mafia but 'laughed at'...?

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