"See how many we get" mafia - Endgame. BKB1991, mafia, wins

Sorry for inactivity, will be active from Day 2.
There are definitely clues in these write ups and the spelling mistakes are certainly standing out since it's Colin and he's not prone to making them. So yeah, get deciphering while it's night peeps and we'll all see what we have by day!
If we take out the 'extra letters' from the spelling 'errors' that have been made till now, we have an 'e' and an 'r'. We need to keep track of that in case they spell something useful as we progress into the game.
Night 1

His prank was primed and ready to go. He chuckled softly to himself.
He went through the motions and checked the man out anyway. He already knew he was innocent though.
Just as he was about to set off he was accostted by someone who looked familiar. "We don't like your type around here", he said as he locked him up for the night.
He had a target in mind but events didn't go as planned. He kicked his cat when he got home.
Another night gone and more information gathered yet he wasn't really satisfied.​

It is now day 2. With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch.
His prank was primed and ready to go. He chuckled softly to himself.
He went through the motions and checked the man out anyway. He already knew he was innocent though.
Just as he was about to set off he was accostted by someone who looked familiar. "We don't like your type around here", he said as he locked him up for the night.
He had a target in mind but events didn't go as planned. He kicked his cat when he got home.
Another night gone and more information gathered yet he wasn't really satisfied.

1) Prankstar? Whats this role, has anyone read epic mafia roles or something. It could simply be a busdriver
2) The Cop perhaps? But why would he check someone he already knew?
3) Roleblocked. So we do have a town/mafia roleblocker who blocked a town role
4) Bus driver or something stopped another person?
5) Maybe the watcher found something?

So either the roleblocker blocked the godfather or the busdriver swapping caused the godfather to miss his kill? I still dont know how a bus driver works, so is that possible?


Sultan is an Indian work for a king, I dont know anything about a pultan
His prank was primed and ready to go. He chuckled softly to himself.
He went through the motions and checked the man out anyway. He already knew he was innocent though.
Just as he was about to set off he was accostted by someone who looked familiar. "We don't like your type around here", he said as he locked him up for the night.
He had a target in mind but events didn't go as planned. He kicked his cat when he got home.
Another night gone and more information gathered yet he wasn't really satisfied.
1. No idea what it could be. Checked on EpicMafia but there is no role which could probably have something related to a prankster.
2. Probably the cop, and he checked someone who he already knew was not guilty. Surprising!
3. We have a jailer it seems. I guess the Jailer probably targeted a PR townie.
4. The mafias failed to kill their target and this part of the writeup probably indicates that. Blocked by a roleblocker or the doc protected the target. But nothing of that sort is mentioned in the writeup. Probably the Jailer targeted the Godfather.
5. Watcher gathered some useful information it seems.

And I can't really come up with any word having all the letters 'p, a, n, u, t and l.' Pultan is not a word, not even in any Indian language.
Still I Googled up the word and got an interesting page. HERE.

It somehow relates to illiteracy, and Colin had made some spelling errors earlier, is this 'Pultan' thing related to those spelling errors?
If the mafia missed their kill, then I am pretty sure the role blocker must have blocked them. While the bus driver can redirect roles, he can't prevent them from taking place. So the role blocker probably knows a mafia. Unless..he was driven and he blocked the mafia without intending to. Infact, could the bus driver be third party?

Pultan, to the best of my knowledge, is not a hindi word. Patlun ( or patloon) are trousers so don't really thing that could lead somewhere. :p
Some very interesting readings so far. Unfortunately only able to check briefly as sat with the girlfriend about to watch some Game of Thrones. Will try and have a proper readthrough later. I feel some people have made some pretty accurate assessments. Excellent that there was no kill last night as well. Not ruling out the possibilty that there was a cult recruitment though? Will see if the writeups suggest anything with a thorough reading later.

Also if we have a cop/watcher (or basically whoever the investigative role that has apparently had some successful results) they should consider claiming now. With no death last night, it's clear we have the ability in the town to prevent a mafia kill. If they claim, the preventative role can keep them safe while they continue to get information for the town. Also, if they were to die in the next night, we'd lose the 2 nights of information they have. Anyway, have to stop now, girlfriend getting angry. Be back later.
Some good stuff so far. Not really sure about the pultan thing, tried mixing it up with some other spelling mistakes and nothing so far. We haven't taken much notice of the original Night 0 write-up though:

barmyarmy said:

The shadow was moving. Soon it would engulf the whole town. Suspicion bred distrust and distrust bred fear. Some burnt with rage at what had become of their town.
Others waited and watched. All had a part to play.
Ten they where and wiser heads knew that fewer yet would remain when all was done. Once evil had either been purged or had consumed all before it.

A couple of possible spelling mistakes there.. burnt/burned? I dunno, I mix them up all the time. "ten they where" instead of were. So there's e, r, h and maybe t or e, d that seem to be leftover along with pultan.

Also the shadow makes me think of a ninja.. immune to watchers/trackers, but not to cops.

Onto today's write-up

Night 1

His prank was primed and ready to go. He chuckled softly to himself.
He went through the motions and checked the man out anyway. He already knew he was innocent though.
Just as he was about to set off he was accostted by someone who looked familiar. "We don't like your type around here", he said as he locked him up for the night.
He had a target in mind but events didn't go as planned. He kicked his cat when he got home.
Another night gone and more information gathered yet he wasn't really satisfied.

1. Seems to fit the mafia bus driver role again.. only others I can find that I would consider pranks are framer, lawyer, silencer and traitor possibly fits too.
2. Either the cop or the watcher. Not sure how they'd know someone is innocent at this stage though, so was thinking possibly naive cop.
3. Town jailer either roleblocked mafia or protected their target.
4. Mafia blocked. I don't own a cat so it's not me.
5. Cop or watcher again, whichever the 2nd paragraph isn't.
Not ruling out Jester instead of Busdriver or the other prankster roles either. According the mafia scum wiki, some mods require the Jester to only act on odd/even days, so the "best to look after number 1" line could have been referring to him looking past Day 1, rather than protecting the Godfather. It does kind of look like a night role being referred to though, so I'm still unclear.

Also not sure if it's a Jailer or Jailkeeper we have, there's a couple of differences between the two on epicmafia and mafiascum. Paranoid doc is also similar, but the locked up part suggests Jailer/JK.
1. Poisoner? Bus driver? Fool?
2. Cop
3. Jailkeeper, I say.
4. No kill by the mafia, might indicate that the mafia was jailed.
5. Bus driver driving somebody. Goes hand in hand with number 1.
We are lucky to have no kill from this night, so due credit to the doctor, jailkeeper or whoever did that.
I have puddleduck as a townread, Sedition and Yudi as null, and BKB null leaning scum just a bit.
Hmm, so it seems almost confirmed that we have at least a Watcher, Cop and Jailer on the town side. The Jailer either blocked mafia or protected the person they targeted and the line "just as he was about to set off" suggests that person has some kind of night role.. I'm not seeing any other clues/results for town PR's at this stage, so I'm starting to think it was the killer blocked. Most people seem to think everyone has a role, so if it's a townie and they know that their role was blocked, perhaps they should claim.
He was scared of everyone and everything but he was safer than he realised.

This line starts to make a little more sense with the revelation of a Jailer/JK too. At first I was wondering why anyone would feel unsafe on a non-lethal night, but if this person was targeted by the JK, then all town PR's would be rendered useless against them too, thereby keeping him safe.

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