I haven't paid much attention to the pultan thing yet, too many other clues jumping out for me to over-analyse and screw myself up on. I didn't think Colin would put a word in another language in the game, so I was erring on there being a spelling mistake or something, making it a little bit harder than the Watcher clue.
Google asks me if I meant 'Paul Tan', some automotive guy. Bus driver reference?
However, I did stumble onto the page Varun mentioned
Definition of pultan | Collins English Dictionary
a native Indian regiment
Native Indians are American Indians incase people are confused. Also Collins Dictionary? But even if that's the clue, I'm still not sure what it means. Too confusing and might be nothing anyway.
Another extra letter for the list too:
Commencement - burn(t), w(h)ere
Night 0 - prefer(er)ed
Day 1 - morn(r)ing
Night 1 - accost(t)ed
Until that last t and incase burnt was unintentional, it was looking like herr(ing?). Guess we'll have to wait and see what the next one provides.
As for Varun's claim, I was not expecting the watcher as the blocked target, so that kinda sucks. Seems pretty risky to fakeclaim, so I don't see any reason not to believe him at this stage.
It does look like there's a second investigative role though, probably on the mafia side, stalker or something. Might be what the "already knew he was innocent" part is referring to.
Ok some really good analysis so far from people I think. I reckon maybe we have a vigilante for town? "They decided to keep their powder dry, to keep the hood off the brow of the headsman."
Could the powder dry/headsman be an executioner? A town role with the ability to kill?
I think the bus driver/prank role is probably town sided and there might be a role blocker on the mafia side?
You seem a bit off-colour again this game
Little too confused for my liking. I think there's one important line in that write-up you're referring to, as they just describe the events of the day.
Day 1
Some suggested, some dissembled, some kept quiet.
Without clear evidence of wrongdoing the town decided to keep its powder dry, to keep the hood off the brow of the headsman.
Fearful of retribution scarce an accusation was even made.
They waited for mornring not knowing if this night would be their last.
Some suggested, some dissembled, some kept quiet..
I would say the quiet ones were: Manly, Yudi, Mark/Themer and Zhuorb.
So to me, the one(s) dissembling are among BKB, PD, Sim and User