Your Cricket Seoken's season.


School Cricketer
Jul 25, 2010
Gold coast australia
Online Cricket Games Owned
This will be where i tell you all about my season, ill be playing in u-17's this year (hopefully i will be facing real pace, none of the low 100km/h crap i got last year).

First training session tomorrow i'll tell you all about it after.
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Good on ya. So I assume this is your 1st senior season?

I just started training for my season too (this is my 1st ever season), and I can tell you that I suck against the quickies. I was thinking about starting a thread for training too but then what would i put in it apart from "today I still sucked, but a little better than last time".

TumTum added 2 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...

BTW I have my training sessions on Sunday too, how about that?
Bowled alright in the nets, got a ball to almost hit a batsman in the shoulder off a good length, should have seen his face... priceless. Batted alright, Although i got out when some of the 1st grade quicks got there, I'm glad as-well some guys got hit in the box... not fun.
Last night was a good training session, although i ran into somone while trying to catch a sitter. Didn't get into the net to have a bat, i did bowl for about 1:30 hr, i even had some of the 1st grade batsmen fumbleing over some of my better balls (which don't occur often... yet).
Was bowling a bit to far down leg on friday night, but my batting was great, i reckon i would have scored at-least 20 runs before i got out. They figured i was standing well down the pitch to them.

Never stand to far down the pitch for to long or you get out hehehe. Was a lesson better learned in the nets and not in a match.
Never stand to far down the pitch for to long or you get out hehehe. Was a lesson better learned in the nets and not in a match.

Oh yeah, because you are totally going to be standing metres down the pitch in a real game..

I hope it doesn't come across as that I am attacking you individually for every post you make but some of your stuff is just stupid.
Sweet batting at number 6 this saturday, i knew i'd be either number 1 or 6. I'll tell you all how i go, figures ect.
frustration. the first you were playing, isn't? i mean debut.
Nah this is my third season this year, i can't wait because of how far i've developed in my batting. Was looking forward to hit some boundaries yesterday.
Good match today, was a 28/28 over match. They scored 61 and we beat them with 10 overs to spare. Didn't get a chance to bat, but got a runout so that was fun.

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