Shout Box and messenger

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I mean if people want it, It's up to them, I just said what I though, that's all.
A shoutbox could be added but I dont see where would be a good place for it. Also is one really needed when there is a chatroom and a forum to discuss things?
Thats all I was trying to say all that time, If you really want to talk use superthread or Chatroom.
Superthread is for spamming..I hav noticed that if sumone says one answersit and starts another topic..And regarding the Chatroom...No one goes to the chat room...
Superthread is for spamming - Wrong ( people like me and others use it for chating and talking to each other, posts don't count so It's not spamming.)

No one goes to the Chatroom - Wrong (You maybe never seen anyone, But I have loads of time.)
By spamming i dont exactly mean the one you are thinking...i m talking about useless post...Like most of the guyz there dont continue to talk on one topic...
So you are saying That no one will spam on the shoutBox?

If yeah, your wrong.

and Have you ever been on superthread, there are loads of diffrent topic, talk about anything you want (within rules).
If you have Broadband, The forums are hell fast, you just type your message and press "Post Quick Reply", same as shoutBox.
usy said:
Superthread is for spamming - Wrong ( people like me and others use it for chating and talking to each other, posts don't count so It's not spamming.)

No one goes to the Chatroom - Wrong (You maybe never seen anyone, But I have loads of time.)

Again usy, I said that shoutbox isn't for private converstions.And messenger is for quick private post which would generally need a PM these days.
Inviting someone,and waiting for him patiently isn't what its for.
sometimes you feel the need to put a private message across to the person you have been chatting with.And Putting a PM would be too much a burden.

And as for superthread, one problem for superthread is the fact that its a post based.Hence you need to refresh all the time, and waiting for someone to get a notice that a new post has been added then refresh it then write it, take all the time in the world

I have been using superthread to chat for sometimes 6hrs, and the above facts make it look like more like a email symphony!

That's the reason I wanted this shoutbox and messenger.

These things are not what I consider essential but an addon which would enhance member experience.
Think of it a something as an addon pack you generally make for C2k05.Not essential, but can definately improve member experience.
blackleopard92 said:
Again usy, I said that shoutbox isn't for private converstions.And messenger is for quick private post which would generally need a PM these days.
Inviting someone,and waiting for him patiently isn't what its for.
sometimes you feel the need to put a private message across to the person you have been chatting with.And Putting a PM would be too much a burden.

And as for superthread, one problem for superthread is the fact that its a post based.Hence you need to refresh all the time, and waiting for someone to get a notice that a new post has been added then refresh it then write it, take all the time in the world
For that sake Chatroom is there.
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