Story SOTQ(July,August,September 2010), Re-Evaluation! (MODIFIED)

Who deserves SOTQ for July, Aug and Sep 2010?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't really know who will win but hopefully the one who deserves the most wins.
Well, voting period is completed & evaluation period is ON. Panel members are requested to submit the ratings through PM by this Saturday. [ Those who are yet to submit ]. Final winner will be announced either this Saturday night [if time permits] or on Sunday. :)
Right after evaluation, it ended up close between Aditya & Gorro.

Aditya - 36/50
Chewi - 35/50
Hedger - 34/50
Gorro - 33/50.

This sums up to ( with votes ),

Gorro - 43
Aditya - 41
Hedger - 39
Chewie - 38

Congrads Gorro for winning this SOTQ. Thank you panel members a lot for rating the stories with feedbacks. Below are the feedbacks for the stories for self evaluation of writers.

From User2010,

User2010 said:
Australia's Journey In International Cricket By Hedger

Commitment as a writer - It's been good. Updates have been frequent and going strong. Though, there were two 2 week gaps in the middle. But, that is bound to happen in lives of the people.

Quality of a story - Quality is pretty up there. I love the writing though it may be a tad too long sometimes. But, that doesn't take anything away from him. The screenshots in earlier updates were neat and clean. The updates have been fantastic as well. I'll give him an 8 for the quality.

Presentation and Other Innovative stuffs - Presentation is very appreciable. It doesn't have any fancy colors but still attracts the readers. 4/5 for the presentation. There hasn't been much innovation really. I like the web updates after the end of each day of a test match though they are pretty short. 2/5 for the innovation only because of the the web updates.

Story Line ) - A nice one. I like the results so far. It started off with a series against Pakistan and now India and the storyline has been going very well. Nothing much to say about, it will and can only improve from here on. I'll give him a 14 for this.

Greens' Journey In Cricket By Gorro

Commitment as a writer - Nice consistency of updates. He has been taking the feedback as well and improving on it.

Quality of a story - Something I'm not really sure about. He has the ideas but execution falls apart. Updates are very very short and rather hurried. And, still real matches are yet to begin so only time will tell. The score of 5 here.

Presentation and Other Innovative stuffs - Presentation hasn't been upto the mark. Hurried and unplanned updates don't help the cause either. I'll give him 2/5 for the presentation. Innovations are good to a certain extent really. But, Barack Obama as ICC president? Something not really practical. I like the stats thing he tried. Loved 'From the Vault' section. 4/5 for the innovation. Over-innovation cost him the perfect 5.

Story Line - Well, nothing is there at the moment. The leap forward makes it interesting though. It is still taking birth, I should say. I can just give him an 8 here.

India's Journey To World Cup 2011 By Aditya

Commitment as a writer - Nothing to take away from Aditya here. He has been fantastic. Though, A perfect 10 still needs more. I'll give him a 9.

Quality of a story - It has been even. Though, it is starting to get a bit one dimensional. There is still a lot of scope to improve in terms of writing. The last time it was about grammar this time it is about how well he describes a certain situation. A 6 from my side.

Presentation and Other Innovative stuffs - After he switched to Ashes Cricket 09, presentation has certainly improved. Still, some pics here and there is a problem. 4/5 for the presentation. He has tried some nice things. I loved the lineups thing as well as some other things he tried. Still, the execution could be better. 3/5 for the innovation as well.

Story Line - Well, I'm not really impressed with him here. It says India's Journey to WC2011. So, why go so deep to post other tour matches as well except the main tests? He needs to get to the ODIs soon. Just 11 here. Can improve significantly.

A Journey Down Under By Chewie

Commitment as a writer - Taking into consideration the duration of SOTQ, Chewie seems another Covvy maybe even worse. 3 for the commitment. A bit harsh but he will certainly improve.

Quality of a story - It's been good. I like the style and his writing is very effective. Some Graphics here and there just go along well very nicely. The last update on 17th August was just fantastic.

Presentation and Other Innovative stuffs - Nice lovely presentation. The Cricinfo layout is the right choice for his style of updates. 4/5 for the presentation. I liked the bets thing which was some sort of innovation.

Story Line - I really like it. ICC is a tough game, I think. He has been doing very well. Hopefully, he gets encouragement to carry this forward and we see some more updates.

From Aditya,

Aditya said:
SOTQ(July,August,September 2010) Ratings and Comments :- :)

Hedger?s Australia?s Journey In International Cricket

Commitment as a writer ( Points out of 10 ) ? Hedger has taken the suggestion given by the readers into consideration and has always improved his story according to the readers suggestion.

Quality of a story ( points out of 10 ) ? Updates have come fast but the quality of the story has been really good.

Presentation and Other Innovative stuffs ( Points out of 10 ) ? Presentation of this story has been simple but yet effective. There have not been much innovative stuff in the story but still the presentation has been fine. Hedger can surely do some innovative stuff though. I haven?t seen much innovation in the story so far.

Story Line ( points out of 20 ) ? Storyline of this story has been good. Story has not been going on for a long time so there is still a long way to go for this story.

Gorro?s Greens? Journey In Cricket-2020

Commitment as a writer ( Points out of 10 ) ? This story has improved a lot. From the start of the story to now the improvement done by the writer has been really impressive. Gorro takes the suggestion given by the readers in positive way and never steps back in doing changes in his story.

Quality of a story ( points out of 10 ) ? Idea of taking story 10 years into future of International cricket really attracted the readers. Story still needs improvement though. Presentation in the last few updates hasn?t been impressive and the writing as well has been not very good but Gorro surely has the potential of improving the story.

Presentation and Other Innovative stuffs ( Points out of 10 ) ? Presentation has been simple but the innovative idea of taking the story 10 years in future attracted readers.

Story Line ( points out of 20 ) ? Story is 10 years into the future but Gorro has managed the story well. Gorro explained the changes which happened in cricket during the 10 years very well. Story could have been made much more interesting though. Adding some new ideas like bringing some weaker teams in top 10 ICC team rankings, bringing few unknown players and showing them as one of the best players of last 10 years and some more innovative stuff would have made the story more interesting nevertheless

Chewie's ICC: A Journey Down Under

Commitment as a writer ( Points out of 10 ) ? This story has not been active recently but when it was active Chewie did well in implementing the suggestions given by readers.

Quality of a story ( points out of 10 ) ? When this story was active it was surely a quality story but due to the story not been active recently.

Presentation and Other Innovative stuffs ( Points out of 10 ) ? Presentation of the story was simple but Chewie presented it in a way that it attracted the readers. Chewie did the presentation well along with innovative stuff.

Story Line ( points out of 20 ) ? Story line in a story is really important and when this story was active it had a fine story line but due to the fact that it hasn?t been active recently I would deduct few points for it.

Thanks again for the co-operation for this SOTQ. :)
Congrats Gorro! :thumbs

I knew my not being active would negatively affect my score. My only defense though is that I did explain that I would continue after my semester finished and the length that my story went for was probably as long as the others have gone for ;)
Congrats Gorro. I do not feel his was the best story there, as shown as the worst story evaluated by everybody but all the stories there are good. I never expected to win this because of using cricksim and therefore, not really any graphics so I'm happy to come third.
The votes made the difference there. Congrats Gorro but as Hedger said, his story wasn't the best one of the lot. Not really impressed by the voters. In all honesty, I expected a different result.
Story Line - Well, I'm not really impressed with him here. It says India's Journey to WC2011. So, why go so deep to post other tour matches as well except the main tests? He needs to get to the ODIs soon. Just 11 here. Can improve significantly.

I did post 2 t20 matches of Australia tour of New Zealand but later decided to just post the matches of Indian team. I posted this in my story thread as well but I guess you missed the post.
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I did post 2 t20 matches of Australia tour of New Zealand but later decided to just post the matches of Indian team. I posted this in my story thread as well but I guess you missed the post.
I did not miss it. My main point was about the WC thing and we also had a talk about that on gmail.
I know this is my first post here for a while and I haven't been helping positively for the good of this forum, so sorry for a negative comment but that result is just not right.
The worst evaluated story won - all I can say is, if it had been a story about a non-Asian country it would not have won...
I know this is my first post here for a while and I haven't been helping positively for the good of this forum, so sorry for a negative comment but that result is just not right.
The worst evaluated story won - all I can say is, if it had been a story about a non-Asian country it would not have won...

The thing was "story line" parameter which has been there mainly for these kind of situations, didn't make much difference. Unfortunately, story line didn't get the dominating ratings for other stories as well.

For Story line alone, evaluation ended up to,

Chewie - 13
Hedger - 12
Aditya - 12
Gorro - 10

which didn't make much difference to be honest.
But, we have to accept that this was really very poor of the voters Suren. Seriously, 'Hall Of Fame' thread was the one I looked at always right from the start and the level of stories there is just fantastic. Now, such kind of stories will also be added to it. The worst of the four won actually. Might sound harsh but, that is what reality is.
I agree with what User and JC said. This is the same issue which was raised in PCGMOTW competition. Not the deserving winners were getting votes in poll and that's why now in PCGMOTW the panel members points decide the winner. I guess the same should be implemented in SOTM and SOTQ. No poll, only panel members points will decide the winner.
Now, such kind of stories will also be added to it.
This wasn't needed. Don't discourage him. If he has won, he deserved it. Majority of the people wanted his story to win, that's why he led the public votes. The panel consisted of just two members!

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