South Africa's tour of India - October/December 2015

I tell you what I can get behind this new pitch theory. Spinner for the first two days, and then ease out on day 3. Brilliant new pitch philosophy ... well done to the Nagpur curator.
The Aus NZ thread is dead in the water. A revolutionary test being played, absolutely no one there to comment or discuss, so on an off note, since this thread is much more active, I would like to ask about that test.

Has anyone seen it ... thoughts?

Personally I was quite excited, and whatever action I saw, the ball if anything is easier to spot. I would like India to have a D/N test in India, but I do worry about the dew. ODIs are constantly affected by the dew, and I would hate for the second half of a test day ruined by dew.

As I type this Amla goes and Duminy walks in. India need to get Duminy. With Amla and Faf the scoreboard was barely moving, but if Duminy sticks around for 80 deliveries, then SA will get moving, and really hurt India.

Anyway two different topics to discuss.
Also kudos for Amla for walking. Okay that one was a clear edge, but walking is a rarity in the game. Apart from the fine knock itself, which alone is deserving of an applause, but I think playing the game in the right spirit, rates even higher.
Yeah the ball kept low but a wild cross bat hoik, against the spin, was perhaps not the most clever shot to play on this wicket. Play the same with a straight bat, and nothing happens, even with the ball keeping low.

Anyway, perfect time for Vilas to redeem himself and play a fine knock.
Anyway about the D/N test, I think it should be definitely played in India. But, the selection of ground should be made cleverly. I would like to see D/N tests in either Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore or Chennai. Bangalore being the No #1 priority.
I agree about the venue being important ... but mostly with regard to avoiding dew. Also India need to have tests starting friday more often than not. That will give 2 days of assured cricket on the weekends. That will boost the attendance. So far this series not one day has been played on a Sunday.
Also I think SA fans were too keen to blame the pitch instead of looking at the application of their batsmen. SA have clearly shown in the 4th innings that if you are willing to stick around you can get some runs, as did India in both their innings. This is no way a 79 all out wicket.

I go back to the first session on day 2, where there was 0 application from the batsmen and SA lost 8 wickets in the session, with half hr still to go.

No one questioned the application everyone had a go at the pitch. Better application and SA would have been neck and neck with India. 8 wickets in 3/4th of a session !!

See SA batsmen still leaving balls crashing into stumps, and I am sure people will find a way to blame the pitch for Duminy's stupid dismissal. Have they learnt nothing from they way they got out in Mohali, shouldering arms to straight balls crashing into the stumps? The answer is clearly no.

But whats the point, just blame the pitch and get on with it.
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Also I think SA fans were too keen to blame the pitch instead of looking at the application of their batsmen. SA have clearly shown in the 4th innings that if you are willing to stick around you can get some runs.
Exactly !
Anyway still waiting for the lights to take full effect in Adelaide. So far what little effect the lights have had, the play just looks beautiful. The final reaction will of course come from the crowd at the venue, however so far from what I have seen on TV a big thumbs up to D/N cricket. Can't wait for the first D/N test in India.
I think its good to see the full trio of spinners deliver in the test for India. It was Jadeja and Ashwin in the first innings, and then Mishra was the one who opened up the end for India in the second. So good to see contributions all around.

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