Sportsbook - Requests and Comments

It is getting rather annoying. Out of the requests so far on the last page only Karl has said cheers and been polite. I'm sorry but until people start to learn manners I won't be doing anymore requests :mad
I've spoken with Sean and he agrees. We aren't doing any more requests for the moment. Any events posted are at the discretion of the vBookie team member. All we ask are for manners. They don't cost anything :rolleyes:

Woo! 6,999 posts. :) (From Sean)
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It's getting ridiculous.

From now on, posts like "Post the IPL!" or "I want the Champions Cup!" will not be tolerated, and we will not fulfill your requests.
is it not possible to block people from betting on certain event? that way, if someones rude you could do the event but block them from betting on it :p

lancashire666 added 3 Minutes and 9 Seconds later...

oh also, how come the Hungary v Croatia games is still showing on the vbookie page? when i click on it i get this message 'No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator' is this just for me?
ZexyZahid, you really need to be more polite to them imo. :p

I really missing out the point here. I don't see anything unpolite about my request. I am simply asking if some Euro 2008 matches can be placed. Just like I asked earlier if some friendly matches could be placed.

And to add to that, I practically placed all the information, that is needed in my posts (about the timings of the friendlies and the betting odds of Euro 2008), so there has to be no searching to be done. I spend 15-20 minutes with searching and typing that post. How much more polite can I be?

Anyway, I see some friendly matches has been made with the betting odds I provided, so thanks for that.
I said when i reported one post:p. I can do it again
"Thanks to all the Staff"
Its bad that users don't have manners towards the staff:mad:

what was the last time you had said please or thank you to the staff?? :p

lol. its going to be my sign for a week.

@other people
You gotta understand that Tom , Sean , Pal & other Vbookie staff post events for us to enjoy. They dont get anything out of it . If you be polite to them , it wot do any harm to you.

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