Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

I think its beyond obvious the root issue is with the Administration though. Just look at they way even the Pakistani High Commissioner is granting legitimacy to conspiracy theories about "set ups"

Why can't the ICC stipulate that the governing boards must be "private entities" and not government run bureaucracies. Accountability in the private sector is much more apparent and has drastic consequences. If Pakistan really want to put this behind them and rebuilt an honest and respectable cricketing fraternity, they must first restructure the foundation of the system.
On one of Pakistani shows it was being said that this match fixing thing involves a lot of officials from PCB. That's why PCB has been defending players, otherwise the players will spill the beans on all involved.

And I won't be surprised at all if Ijaz Butt himself is involved in this.
That sounds very plausible, especially given the current statements from the PCB. They are defending people caught red handed with no shame at all.

The PCB needs to be investigated by an independent ICC panel. I also think Geoff Lawson needs to start spilling the beans of what he saw while he was there. It seems he knows a lot more and is withholding some.

Also need some honest players who are not part of the "clique" to start whistle blowing. Fringe guys like Yasir Hameed and Fawad Alam should speak up, if they are not involved that is.
Great to see the ICC take action. I suppose that there must be enough evidence from their point of view to take the trio to a proper trial at a later date then.
What is Pakistan up to? How can the HC just deny NOTW's damming evidence like that? Instead of picking a side like BCCI and SA board did 10 years ago and setting an example with the life bans (which worked), they are instead encouraging the fixers to lie more and more.
admittedly this is a little anal, but I decided to have a good look at the commentary on cricinfo of every ball amir's bowled. I see not one instance of an exagerated no ball. he played through a lot of innings without no balling actually, although they exploded in the first test in australia, but none of them seemed particularly dodgey.

whilst this does not change the fact he clearly took money for no-balling at Lords, it does, at least in Amir's case, make it look like this the first time he did it. I didn't do this to stick up for amir, just that Asif's were so much slicker they would be impossible to tell from a genuine mistake.

I would like to know a bit more about the NOTWs investigation. I want to know if they payed to know about the no balls already agreed with another party, or they paid majeed so he would arrange no balls on their behest.

because if it's the latter, it's not investigation it's blatant entrapment and I'm not sure I would be entirely happy if it turned out that the NOTW had targetted someone with ties to the team and offered a very large sum of money for relatively minor discrepencies.

(and considering it was 3 no balls, it must have seemed far too good to be true, I actually fail to see how, if it was a genuine fixer, they could have made that money back. putting 20 grand or whatever on a no ball being bowled would scream dodgey to me if I was a bookkeeper)
I would like to know a bit more about the NOTWs investigation. I want to know if they payed to know about the no balls already agreed with another party, or they paid majeed so he would arrange no balls on their behest.

They paid for information of when prearranged no balls would be bowled. They didn't ask him to arrange them merely when they were going to happen.

Sky Sports News just said that Scotland Yard are bringing in the trio for another interview tomorrow.
They paid for information of when prearranged no balls would be bowled. They didn't ask him to arrange them merely when they were going to happen.

Sky Sports News just said that Scotland Yard are bringing in the trio for another interview tomorrow.

how do you know that based on 3 or four video clips? we have no idea what was said off camera, just because he was telling them and they were writing them down doesn't mean they didn't arrange the meeting with the proviso he comes to them with when they've decided to bowl the no balls. they say he telephoned them and told them "too much was happening" and the bet might have to be cancelled. so he telephoned everyone in on it with this information?

and why if this was them coming in to already organised fixing is there no instances of amir over stepping so much in any other test like it's been done before?

also, as insomniac pointed out, majeeds shirt changed colour inbetween talking to them and handing over the jacket filled with money, for all we know he could have been showing them the make of a jacket intended as a gift. I am not saying I am totally convinced this is the case, but the other side of the arguement must be considered for a balanced judgement and the NOTWs match fixing claims against John higgins, the snooker player, are being thrown into serious doubt. They are not handing over evidence without proviso's Higgins won't sue, a deal higgins has refused, and it's looking increasingly like they set up an intimidating scenario in eastern europe to corner him.
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Breaking News:

Majeed is a Mossad agent and this was all another Zionist conspiracy against Pakistan.
how do you know that based on 3 or four video clips? we have no idea what was said off camera, just because he was telling them and they were writing them down doesn't mean they didn't arrange the meeting with the proviso he comes to them with when they've decided to bowl the no balls. they say he telephoned them and told them "too much was happening" and the bet might have to be cancelled. so he telephoned everyone in on it with this information?

The point in the video where he says "The no balls are the easiest; they've already been organised" suggested to me that they'd already been organised.
Breaking News:

Majeed is a Mossad agent and this was all another Zionist conspiracy against Pakistan.

He is also a RAW agent. And this is actually a conspiracy by BCCI. ;) Spot fixing happens in every country. Thats all I am hearing from some of the Pakistani fans at other places.:doh
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