Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

She does claim to have solid evidence though. Records of phone conversations or something between Asif and an Indian bookie.

Anyway, if she is lying, she's pretty much doomed as that Dikshit guy she is alleging to be a match fixer has decided to file a defamation suit against her and bring out a book where he'd apparently unmask the real antagonists. I guess that guy is a liar too. Just using this controversy to turn the spotlight on him.

King Cricket added 10 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...

As for the topic, I won't be surprised if the 'guilty' cricketers and PCB officials come out unscathed. Like I said earlier, PCB's 'patron' is the Pakistani President himself which gives its top officials an immunity against charges of corruption and mismanagement.

Two/three players like Butt and Asif get the boot, some minor alterations are made in the PCB, and then, the entire issue is swept below the carpet- that's the most likely case scenario. Until and unless we have a strong ICC, run by a competent and efficient administrator and not some weakling like Pawar, Ray Mali or Morgan, match-fixing and mass degradation of moral values will continue to poison the game.
The fact that he would make such a statement shows how little character he actually has, and it looks bad upon him. Listen to how the professional speak of solutions while child like immature men like Hadding and Watson talk. Theres the difference between people who should speak and people who should simply not be allowed to.

Asking questions like whether its in their culture is moronic. I am a pakistani and that offends me. If infact Pakistan is infact convicted of match fixing then the first trophy to be removed should be Australias 1999 world cup, since i believe what i always have, there is no way they could have won that legit.

The thing about life is that worlds problems are always your problems. They might not be your problems right now but as a great man once said the chicken always comes home to roost. Education understanding and punishment is nedeed here, not comments that dont belong from weak minded men like Haddin

No, weak minded people get involved in match fixing and bowling no balls for a bit of cash.
She does claim to have solid evidence though. Records of phone conversations or something between Asif and an Indian bookie.

Anyway, if she is lying, she's pretty much doomed as that Dikshit guy she is alleging to be a match fixer has decided to file a defamation suit against her and bring out a book where he'd apparently unmask the real antagonists. I guess that guy is a liar too. Just using this controversy to turn the spotlight on him.

King Cricket added 10 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...

As for the topic, I won't be surprised if the 'guilty' cricketers and PCB officials come out unscathed. Like I said earlier, PCB's 'patron' is the Pakistani President himself which gives its top officials an immunity against charges of corruption and mismanagement.

Two/three players like Butt and Asif get the boot, some minor alterations are made in the PCB, and then, the entire issue is swept below the carpet- that's the most likely case scenario. Until and unless we have a strong ICC, run by a competent and efficient administrator and not some weakling like Pawar, Ray Mali or Morgan, match-fixing and mass degradation of moral values will continue to poison the game.

It's up to ICC how they handle this. You're right if it was in PCB's hands, nothing would happen. But now it's in ICC's hand, if they want to make an example and clean the game of all this, this is the best opportunity.

Also on Veena Malik's phone recordings; didn't Majeed also have phone recordings he handed over to police? if that didn't do anything I doubt Veena Malik's recordings will.
Great! Those three wont be playing any more part in this current tour. I feel I can watch some cricket again! :)
But culture DOES NOT mean race! Culture covers a heap of stuff and Watson mentioning that taking money from bookies might be in their culture is like saying it might be a cultural thing for Australians to be racist, which I wouldn't argue with - some Aussies are racist...but certainly most aren't. And that's the point, our culture makes it easy for us to appear racist - if we want, but it doesn't mean we are. Same for Pakistan and match fixing. The culture makes it easy to do it - if you want to.

I don't think it's a big stretch to say that more money goes under the table in Pakistan than Australia, for all facets of life. Bribing government officials, or police, whatever. And I'm surprised that Watson's being made out to be some kind of racist for implying that.

No ones claiming that Culture means race but I'm pretty sure that there'd be uproar if Dhoni came out and said that being racist thieves was a cultural part of Australia. It is completely out of order to say what Watson said in my opinion

Themer added 2 Minutes and 9 Seconds later...

Joint statement read out by Pakistani High Commissioner says that the players refute the claims calling them "deeply disturbing" and they are completely innocent.

Personally I doubt it.
Great! Those three wont be playing any more part in this current tour. I feel I can watch some cricket again! :)

Aren't Akmal and Riaz still there? And the mysterious 7th player? What I'm saying is... don't count on it :p.
Aren't Akmal and Riaz still there? And the mysterious 7th player? What I'm saying is... don't count on it :p.

Akmal is no longer part of the investigation though...and I doubt Riaz will play ODI's. He's not that good anyway :D
One of the Akmals got hit in the face by a bouncer during practise. He looked like he was nearly knocked out.

Whichever one it was could be struggling for the Twenty20s as concussion can be a fickle thing.
One of the Akmals got hit in the face by a bouncer during practise. He looked like he was nearly knocked out.

Whichever one it was could be struggling for the Twenty20s as concussion can be a fickle thing.

No, he has a bit of acne trouble and his brother was trying to fix some spots!:p
they are completely innocent.

Thing is, of course they are gonna say that. They have a whole career and life ahead of them. They aren't just gonna give themselves over like muppets.
Riaz was caught red handed with the fixer. Even though he wasn't involved in the wrongdoings on the field, I feel he should have been interrogated as well.
Iridium said:
Salman Butt, Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Amir, the three Pakistan players who are at the centre of the spot-fixing controversy have been dropped for the limited-overs leg of the England tour

The official version is that they have "pulled out" due to "mental torture".

I guess an effort is already underway to sweep this issue below the carpet. Must say that I'm absolutely disillusioned with the way the PCB and the ICC are handling this case.
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If they fessed up and asked for sympathy I would feel bad for them. Instead these shameless █████ were caught red-handed and still don't have the integrity to come clean.

tweaking disgrace
The International Cricket Council has suspended Salman Butt, Mohammad Amir and Mohammad Asif, the three players implicated in the Lord's spot-fixing scandal, under the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Code.

- Cricinfo

Thank you ICC. About time they did something in this case. But the question is, for how long will they suspend them?

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