Spot the Ball Season 4 (IC10 Edition) -Round 1 Results!

or PC vB history? If not it will be.

What else can top this? FIFA FINAL? CRICKET WC FINAL? INDIA PAKISTAN? :rollseyes: But those are only 1 match. It will be 40 plus for next 4 rounds
My goodness.
Looks like winning the season is quite an uphill task. :)
The only way I'm going to win with this many people is if I bet randomly, so I've gone with Pink.
The more people doesn't mean it's less chance for you. If anything it's less chance for every 1
Though he has left, even MaD wants to win a copy of IC10.:p
It's yellow indeed. I've figured it out.

Mark has placed the green circle over its shadow, so that it ain't obvious.
You obviously don't want to win. If you're so sure, why tell everyone else?

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