Steam update for DBC17 released

For some reason, I am not being able to apply custom modifier settings. I have tried to select various modifier settings but those settings are not getting applied. They are simply reverting back to default 'Medium' settings instead of the custom settings that I am trying to use. Has anybody else encountered this problem?
Has anyone managed to bowl anyone out on legend yet? I am finding this both pre and post patch easier said than done
Can someone please post the help text added on the Gameplay sliders screen?
Has anyone managed to bowl anyone out on legend yet? I am finding this both pre and post patch easier said than done
It can be done but bowling has to be tip top. England scored 380 something against me on legend in a test.
It can be done but bowling has to be tip top. England scored 380 something against me on legend in a test.

Sorry I think you misunderstood, I mean bowled as in beat the batsman and knock his stumps over. I can hardly beat the bat on legend (quite a few edges and lob catches to cover however)
Glad you PC gamers are enjoying this beta patch 4! I hope BA sort out the issue which tournement modes have SCG as semi final and final! @BigAntStudios @MattW please address this issue aswell or can they can confirm its being looked at

This certainly will be fixed, we had to pull it out of the build Sunday as it caused an issue. It'll be put back in today.
Is the ability to simulate co-op matches online included in this patch or was it considered as a possibility?
Sorry I think you misunderstood, I mean bowled as in beat the batsman and knock his stumps over. I can hardly beat the bat on legend (quite a few edges and lob catches to cover however)
Oh okay makes sense now. It is very rare. I think i have got a few. Maybe even just inside edges though.
Does anyone know if the fix for the international stats in career mode is retroactive? As in will my stats from before the patch be there or will they start from zero?
Are Sunglasses fixed in academy as they don't come up in game even after adding it to player in academy?
excellent work BA on this patch! Question, are there any improvements/animations planned for the stadium crowd? Swaying trees? Etc. I'm guessing its a big job but I think the effect to the realism and atmosphere would be immense ☺
great work on patch 4 by BA, To all the pc gamers, I was wondering if now we could play a whole tournament in one country, rather than the home or away country stadiums.
To the PC community, it would be awesome if you folks could keep the rest of us in the loop as changes are made in the coming days to the current version. So any major, significant changes like international stats and things that have been widely discussed, that would be super helpful and I think would also quell some of the frustrations of others that has manifested itself as over the top anger about a game. I think people just generally want to be in the loop. PC folks could help with that in a big way.

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