Survivor Mafia - End Game (Town Win)

As far as Abhas is concern, he was the one to lead the lynch against Zohaib, so he is cleared for me.

That is something indeed curious. Because Abhas led the lynch on a SK he is not mafia?
But you do make a point that we cannot leave the possibility of a double voter being mafia.
To be fair both you and varun have played rather poorly. I think its time to pressure.

Lynch: Varun
Simply because its a numbers game and its either you or aditya. You will need to be more active especially at this stage of the game as it will help decide who will ultimately be lynched.
He led the lynch against SK, he helped the townies. Just because of this he is less suspicious for me. P# is at the top of my suspicious list at the moment. His activeness has been very poor, he has hardly helped us.
I know I ain't mafia. So it's either ARay or Aditya for me. Perhaps Abhas, although I strongly believe he is the doc.

I searched up wikipedia for Aditya's and ARay's role claims.While ARay's role seems plausible enough (although I'm not quite sure), but Amanda's role as a vanilla townie does seem odd, for she was a major player in the series, being a finalist and it is unlikely that she won't have a role. Plus, we've virtually three vanilla townies with us. (User until the doc died, Afridirulez and ARay, as he claims.) I don't think we have another one.

Besides he hasn't contributed much, he has jumped bandwagons as far as I am concerned, and has only defended himself. He was ready to claim all the time, so perhaps he already had his role claim made up as he knew we were suspicious of him. And Vanilla Townie is a role common to mafia usage, since most people, more or less agree upon it. We all know that.

CG should be the one making the call here, he knows more better about survivors than anyone else. Abhas might be his partner as well, otherwise he would have been killed way too earlier, he has proved fatal to mafia in any role unless he has been the mafia himself, but it can be ARay as well.

It's your call guys, I won't lynch anyone for now.


He led the lynch against SK, he helped the townies. Just because of this he is less suspicious for me. P# is at the top of my suspicious list at the moment. His activeness has been very poor, he has hardly helped us.

Hmm, trying to get rid of the double voter? He's very likely to be town, and being inactive, an excellent target for a lynch? One wrong lynch, and I feel we're lost (there are 6 left, mafia probably require two more to win (if they're two, which is very probable).


So we need to be accurate.
Besides he hasn't contributed much, he has jumped bandwagons as far as I am concerned, and has only defended himself. He was ready to claim all the time, so perhaps he already had his role claim made up as he knew we were suspicious of him. And Vanilla Townie is a role common to mafia usage, since most people, more or less agree upon it. We all know that.

I'm surprised that you think that I haven't contributed much. I'm the second highest poster in this thread. Well, I know that having highest posts and contributing are two different things but on day 1, I was the one who was convincing some of the townies to not go for Spoobir. I was always saying to go for a noobie, earlier in the game. Later, Yudi and me had a great discussion going, I must appreciate Yudi here, he was brilliant in starting some discussion. Without this discussion, we wouldn't have reached anywhere. :)

As far as my claiming is concern, I always wanted the townies to know that I'm a townie and they'll to a blunder if they lynch me. I was always under the suspicion radar because of my game play from the starting of the game. My game play in this game has been quite different from what it has been in all the mafia games I've played, I've tried my best to contribute.

I haven't lynched P# yet mate, I'm just saying that he isn't cleared for me. Apart from him, I'm suspicious of no one. He has been indeed very inactive, this is the truth. I'm always in favor of lynching a member who is inactive because he is not contributing anyway, it's very sad that P# hasn't contributed much to this game, he is a good player and I'm not sure why he has been so inactive.
Hey CG, what is your opinion about a mafia double voter?
I dont remember p# character claim but you think it could be possible?
FSS, where the fearsome tweak are Abhas and p#? :facepalm

I know p# comes online, but he doesn't post here. Why the fearsome tweak would you sign up for a game and just never visit it/participate? It's beyond me.

It's just so hard to read someone like p#, because he's done absolutely nothing. The thing with him is he has the weakest character claim in terms of characters I know, but the strongest role claim, so I have no idea... It is possibly that he could be mafia though.

Out of you three I definitely think Varun (Cirie) has the weakest character claim, i.e. the one that's most unlikely to be in the 13, but Aditya's vanilla claim is obviously the weakest role claim.

Will try to find some time tonight to have a look at some of you guys early play, but it's hard because I'm right in the middle of exams. This is normally where Abhas is very good at finding mafia [assuming he's the doc (town)].


p#'s character claim was the person who came 19th, and I'd never even heard of them.
Meeeeh it does not make life any easier. Though I should say I think we should take both character and role claim into consideration. I am pretty sure Hedger will not be afraid to switch things around and make unconventional roles mafia.
So I think P# should also be considered a candidate along with Varun and Hedger for today's lynch.
Sorry guys, I was out for the last 3 days and didnt have Internet access. Indeed, I am the doc. I'm Candice woodcock, a medical student, hence the doc.
I'm still on my way back home so I will be able to analyze the whole thread only at night, which is a few hours later, but at the moment Varun and Aditya haven't sounded convincing enough.

I'll try to read the claims at the earliest and let you know what I think.
Ok, sweet, at least you posted unlike p# when he visited the thread.

Like you said, it's out of Varun and Aditya for me as well. p# would be a big gamble, because at least he is proven as a double voter which I don't think would be mafia (I know it's possible), while Varun and Aditya both claimed as stuff that's impossible for us to prove. Still really not sure on ARay as well.

I'm actually just going to go with my gut, and go with Aditya. Tbh I don't know out of the three, my gut says go with him though, and I (/we if anyone else decides to follow me) have at least a 2/3 chance of hitting mafia (like we do with the other two) ASSUMING p# is town and Abhas is the doc. Most of the town has just played so bad, that anything from here on is a bonus. I'm just feeling Aditya is mafia, so I'm going to lynch him.

As I've said before (a few games ago when I was right about Sim being mafia), it's not about evidence etc. at this stage of the game for me. You can weight it up all you want but unless someone has given away some massive clues, that's only going to get you so far.

Sorry Aditya if you are actually town, but unless Abhas makes any breakthroughs I just want to get this day moving.

Lynch: Aditya

And FFS p#, wtf. If he is actually mafia (or town) and goes onto win, I think you (Hedger) should take a stand and say that I'm not going to stand for this inactivity etc, and don't include him in the winners. It doesn't take a genius to see that if he wins he's going to come out and say being inactive was his plan, but this is just stupid, so please if he does "win", don't include him officially amongst the winners.

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