TAOC Discussion

hey guys,

Many of you must be wondering why there hasnt been any update
on the game or the forum has gone quite . This is because
The Production Of TCP has been halted from the past couple of
weeks as Paul (legend_master) is facing some personal problems !
he is in a state where he simply cant work on the game.
but dont worry, he'll be back in buisness once he gets everything
sorted out ! this is an announcement i am making on behalf of LM
so as to keep you guys updated !

The best to Paul, was wondering why I hadn't heard from him in a long time - but just to let him know that I'm doing the texturing for Lord's so that's one thing off his mind - but all the best to him at the moment.
Good luck with everything! The gameplay and camera angles are so good.

I was just wondering, how can I, and others do to help with the Cricket Project in any way?

I could get photos, stats, judge player abilities, graphics, ideas

It was meant to be a general thing, not just me, but there you go
Post in the willing to help thread as to what precisely you can do...LM will contact you if you are needed as soon as he is back to TCP (thoughts be with him).
wow, i just downloaded the vids.

Very, very, veeeeeeeery nice fellas.

Keep up the awesome work.
I had some more contact with someone from Cricketing World earlier this week, and the final details of The Cricket Project's affiliation with them should be completed any time now. The realisaton of them in pitch advertisements and advertising hoardings won't be around for some time though I suppose, there hasn't been any progress with the game for a while.
Skateboarder said:
I had some more contact with someone from Cricketing World earlier this week, and the final details of The Cricket Project's affiliation with them should be completed any time now. The realisaton of them in pitch advertisements and advertising hoardings won't be around for some time though I suppose, there hasn't been any progress with the game for a while.
What's this all about? This is the first I've heard of any affiliation.

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