Territory Wrestling Entertainment - The Return!


As Sting enters the arena, he gets lots of cheers from the crowd!

JBL-We are yet to find out who Sting will be facing tonight.

Suddenly a familiar sound hits and the arena goes wild!

JBL- It's Goldberg! It's the legendary Goldberg himself! Can't believe my eyes that he has signed with the TWE. Probably one of the biggest signings made by TWE!! Someone pinch me! Is it really Goldberg?!?!

*Evans pinches JBL*

JBL-Yes, Goldberg is here!

Johny Evans-What a way to kick off TWE's returning episode! A match between two legends, Goldberg and Sting. Expecting an epic match between these two.

[Goldberg walks to the ring. Scott Armstrong is the referee for this contest. Sting drops Goldberg with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Goldberg executes a pumphandle suplex on Sting. (ding, ding, ding) Sting hits Goldberg with a headbutt to the mid-section. Goldberg tackles Sting. ]

Johny Evans - Sting takes a football tackle.

[Sting gets hit with the shooting star press from Goldberg. Referee Scott Armstrong makes the count. ...1 ...2 Sting escapes. ]

JBL - Not even close!

[Now Sting standing. Goldberg hits Sting with a heart punch. Sting gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Goldberg. Goldberg gets up. Sting gets back to his feet. Sting goes for a running forearm smash but Goldberg dodges the attack. Sting hits Goldberg with a heart punch. Goldberg gets up. Goldberg hits Sting with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Goldberg fist drops Sting on the mat. Goldberg stands up. Goldberg rolls onto Sting connecting with a knee. Goldberg executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sting. Goldberg gets up. Goldberg rolls onto Sting connecting with a knee. Goldberg measures Sting up and drops a closed fist. Goldberg climbs to his feet. Sting is back on his feet. Goldberg hits him with a back fist. Goldberg spinning mule kicks Sting. Sting gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Goldberg. Goldberg stands up. Goldberg uses a snap mare takeover on Sting. ]

Johny Evans - Goldberg with a snap mare.

[Goldberg executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sting. Goldberg is back on his feet. Sting gets up. Goldberg hits Sting with the back of his elbow. Goldberg legsweeps Sting. Sting executes the brain buster on Goldberg. ]

JBL - Good brain buster by Sting.

[Sting is up again. Goldberg gets hit with the shooting star press from Sting. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Goldberg escapes. ]

Johny Evans - We almost had a winner.

JBL-We'll be after a short break with lots more action between these two legends, so don't go anywhere!
Last edited:
Name- The Great Pathan
Hometown- Peshawar, Pakistan
Affililiation (Face, Heel or Tweener) - Heel
Ring Intro- Muhammad Hassan (Arabic Verses)
Weight(pounds only)- 230
Height(ft and inches)- 5 foot 7 inches
Finishing Move- The Khyber Bomb (Inverted DDT)

Stats(Total-30,Max-10 each)

Strength- 6
Speed- 7
Charisma - 9
Vitality - 8

JBL-We are back after that short break.

[Sting hits Goldberg with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Sting fist drops Goldberg on the mat. ]

Johny Evans - Sting executes a fist drop.

[Sting is up again. Goldberg nails Sting with a belly-to-back suplex. Goldberg gets back to his feet. Sting gets up. Goldberg rakes his fingers across Sting's back. ]

JBL - Goldberg executes a back rake.

[Goldberg gets tiger suplexed by Sting. Sting fist drops Goldberg on the mat. Sting gets up. Sting executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Goldberg. Sting measures Goldberg up and drops a closed fist. Sting gets back to his feet. Goldberg gets hit with the shooting star press from Sting. The ref starts the count. ...1 Goldberg escapes. ]

Johny Evans - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Goldberg.

[Goldberg gets back to his feet. Sting grabs Goldberg's leg and takes him down. Goldberg is up again. Goldberg hits Sting with a slingshot bodyblock. Goldberg gets up. Sting gets locked into the headscissors submission by Goldberg. The referee is checking the situation. ... Sting trys to escape. ... Goldberg breaks the hold. Goldberg and Sting go to the floor ]

JBL - Goldberg can get a weapn at ringside.

[Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) ]

Johny Evans - Goldberg is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[(..2) Goldberg executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sting. Goldberg climbs to his feet. (...3) Goldberg knees Sting and rolls back to his feet. (....4) Sting gets tiger suplexed by Goldberg. Goldberg is up again. Sting is back on his feet. Sting leg lariats Goldberg, sending him to the floor. (.....5) Sting executes a piledriver on Goldberg. (......6) ]

Johny Evans - They'll be counted out if they don't return to the ring.

[Sting cuts Goldberg with a blade. Goldberg is bleeding as a result. (.......7) ]

JBL - They better get back to the ring!

[They head back into the ring. Goldberg with an Aztecan suplex on Sting sends him to the mat. Now Goldberg standing. Sting gets up. Sting executes the German suplex on Goldberg. Goldberg gets back to his feet. Goldberg get whipped into the corner and Sting follows himin with an avalanche. Sting nails the bridging back suplex on Goldberg. Sting chants start. Sting gets back to his feet. Sting hits the handspring moonsault on Goldberg. Now Sting standing. Sting with a Scorpion Death Dropr on Goldberg. Sting catches Goldberg in the crucifx and goes for the pin. Scott Armstrong counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Johny Evans - We've got ourselves a winner!

JBL - The winner of this match, Sting!!!

*Zorax's Room*

Zorax-I have no f***king idea who attacked me. I was getting out of my car when suddenly someone from behind attacked me with a chair shot on the head. I tried to see his face but he had a mask on. He continued the chair shots and when he was pleased with what he did, he executed a pedigree on me through the window of my car. And I promise when I get my hands on the guy, I will beat the ???? out of him!

JBL- Pedigree!
Johny Evans-Are you thinking what I am thinking?
JBL-Really don't think Triple H would attack Zorax because he has no connection with him.

*ZoTaker's music hits*

ZoTaker-*At crowd* Shut up losers! Speak when you are as great as the ZoTaker. Anyone backstage has the guts to challenge the awesome wrestler standing in the ring?

*The Undertaker's music hits*

Johny Evans-Haha! Look at ZoTaker's face. He was being such a hero few minutes back. Probably he has already pissed in his pants by now.

JBL - and his opponent, weighing in at 299 pounds, from Death Valley, CAL, The Undertaker!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[The Bells ring as the Undertaker appears from backstage and makes his way down to the ring ZoTaker executes a pumphandle suplex on The Undertaker. The Undertaker places ZoTaker on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) The Undertaker takes a slap to the face from ZoTaker. ZoTaker climbs to his feet. ZoTaker chops The Undertaker. The Undertaker gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on ZoTaker. ]

Johny Evans - The Undertaker executes a jumping neck snap.

[ZoTaker hits The Undertaker with a heart punch. ZoTaker measures The Undertaker up and drops a closed fist. Now ZoTaker standing. The Undertaker is up again. The Undertaker spinebuster bombs ZoTaker onto the mat. ZoTaker is up again. ]

JBL - I wish every match could be like this!

[ZoTaker gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by The Undertaker. The Undertaker measures ZoTaker up and drops a closed fist. Now The Undertaker standing. ZoTaker is up again. The Undertaker executes a jawbreakeron ZoTaker. ZoTaker gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Undertaker. The Undertaker is back on his feet. The Undertaker puts ZoTaker in an arm grapevine submission. The Undertaker covers ZoTaker hooking the leg. Referee Scott Armstrong makes the count. ...1 ...2 ZoTaker kicks out. ]

Johny Evans - Not even close!

[ZoTaker gets back to his feet. The Undertaker places ZoTaker on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. The Undertaker chants start. ZoTaker is up again. The Undertaker and ZoTaker go to the floor Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) ]

Johny Evans - ZoTaker could use some help about now.

[The Undertaker goes for a hotshot but ZoTaker dodges the attack. (..2) ]

JBL - What an outstanding match!

[ZoTaker spins aroround The Undertaker's back and DDT's him into the floor. ]

Johny Evans - Good backspin DDT/Miavia Hurrcane by ZoTaker.

[ZoTaker gets back to his feet. The Undertaker stands up. (...3) ]

Johny Evans - Is this a great match or not?

JBL - Yeah, you know it.

[(....4) ZoTaker tackles The Undertaker. (.....5) ZoTaker takes The Undertaker into the ring. ZoTaker executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Undertaker. ]

Johny Evans - ZoTaker executes a corkscrew legdrop.

[ZoTaker climbs to his feet. The Undertaker rakes the face of ZoTaker in attempt to make a come back. The Undertaker hits a spinning leg lariat on ZoTaker sending him to the mat. ZoTaker stands up. ZoTaker uses a snap mare takeover on The Undertaker. Spinning neck-breaker from The Undertaker takes ZoTaker down. ]

JBL - That spinning neck-breaker was very good.

Johny Evans - TWE is the only place for entertainment like this!

[ZoTaker gets up. The Undertaker gets tiger suplexed by ZoTaker. ZoTaker stands up. The Undertaker gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ZoTaker. The Undertaker moves back to his feet. The Undertaker bites ZoTaker's arm out of desparation. The Undertaker chants start. The Undertaker hits the fallaway slam on ZoTaker. The Undertaker is back on his feet. The Undertaker puts ZoTaker in an arm grapevine submission. The Undertaker dives head first into ZoTaker. The Undertaker just dropped a Tombstone piledriver on ZoTaker The Undertaker covers ZoTaker hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JBL - We've got ourselves a winner!

JBL - The winner of this match, The Undertaker!!!

Undertaker executes yet another Tombstone piledriver on ZoTaker to send a clear message to who the real star is in TWE.

Undertaker-There can only be one Taker! And it's f***king me! You better change your name by next week, or else you'll be feeling the pain and it won't be a nice experience at all!

*ZoTaker lies as The Undertaker stands tall*


Three guys are destroying the GM's office. Probably searching for something or someone. Some of the backstage personal tries to stop them but have no success what so ever.

They leave the GM's office and heads for the main arena. A mysterious music is played as the three strong looking men enters the arena with a lot of boos from the whole crowd.

One of the guy gets a mic...

Unknown-My name is The Great Pathan. And these are my brothers and we have come from a land far far away, or simply known as Pakistan to you all. You all f***s might think us to be f***ing terrorist but we are not. If you still think, you can f*** off and can rot in hell! My two brothers are , Zaheer and Shadaf! And we are known as 'Brothers in Arms'!

Zaheer-You all might be thinking why we destroyed the GM office.

Shadaf-Well we are searching for him to get ourselves some matches so that we can show the whole world how dominating we are! So, where ever you are GM, hope you are watching this.

Suddenly all three gets out of the ring, selects one of guy from the crowd, pulls him out of the seat and takes him into the ring.

The Great Pathan-This is what we do, when we don't get things done in our way.

The three starts beating up the guy with punches and kicks. Zaheer gets out of the ring , brings in a chair and starts hitting with painful chair shots. Finally after several shots, he stops and The Great Pathan executes an Inverted DDT on the guy. The three guys stands tall, surrounding the poor guy and raising their hands in victory only to get lot of boos from the crowd.
Looking to earn a few extra bucks by working part-time here.

Sign up Form-

Name- Bcvs
Hometown- One of the parts known.
Affililiation (Face, Heel or Tweener) - Heel
Ring Intro- Yeah,sure.
Weight(pounds only)- 288
Height(ft and inches)- 6'01''
Finishing Move- GTH (Go To Hell) (suplex to knee smash of the nose)

Stats(Total-30,Max-10 each)

Strength- 9
Speed- 2
Charisma - 10
Vitality - 9
BIA look like the next nWo there. Anyways, I'm eagerly waiting for my debut!

We will be seeing two debutant in action next.
Johny Evans-I am so excited to see how the two fair in their first ever match in the TWE.

JBL - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 272 pounds, from Houston,Texas, The Rock Bottom!!!

["If yaaaaaaaaa can smellllll, what the rock is cooking!" The music hits , The Rock Bottom appears from behind the blue mist ]

JBL - and his opponent, weighing in at 324 pounds, from California, US, The Killing Machine!!! (crowd boos ******)

[The Killing Machine enters the arena The Rock Bottom places The Killing Machine on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. The Rock Bottom gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Killing Machine. (ding, ding, ding) The Rock Bottom executes a swinging bulldog on The Killing Machine driving The Killing Machine's face into the mat. The Rock Bottom moves back to his feet. The Killing Machine gets back to his feet. The Killing Machine executes a ropeflip hiptoss on The Rock Bottom. ]

Johny Evans - The Killing Machine with a ropeflip hiptoss.

[The Rock Bottom is back on his feet. The Rock Bottom connects with a flying knee. The Killing Machine goes down. ]

JBL - The Killing Machine takes a knee.

[The Killing Machine picks up The Rock Bottom and executes the cradle DDT. The Killing Machine sucks chants start in the crowd. The Killing Machine climbs to his feet. Indian deathlock applied by The Killing Machine. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... The Killing Machine tightens the hold. ... The Killing Machine tightens the hold. The Killing Machine breaks the hold. The Killing Machine and The Rock Bottom go to the floor ]

Johny Evans - The Rock Bottom will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) (..2) The Killing Machine rolls onto The Rock Bottom connecting with a knee. (...3) The Rock Bottom executes the jumping sidekick on The Killing Machine. The Killing Machine gets up. (....4) The Killing Machine executes a swinging bulldog on The Rock Bottom driving The Rock Bottom's face into the floor. The Killing Machine is up again. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. The Rock Bottom and The Killing Machine move back to ringside. The Rock Bottom and The Killing Machine move back into the ring. The Rock Bottom hits a spinning leg lariat on The Killing Machine sending him to the mat. The Rock Bottom covers The Killing Machine. The ref starts the count. ...1 The Killing Machine kicks out. ]

Johny Evans - Not even close!

[The Killing Machine moves back to his feet. The Killing Machine hits The Rock Bottom with the back of his elbow. ]

JBL - The Rock Bottom takes a back elbow.

[The Rock Bottom short lariats The Killing Machine. The Rock Bottom grabs The Killing Machine and applies an arm wrench. ]

Johny Evans - arm wrench!

[The Killing Machine gets back to his feet. The Killing Machine trys for a tiger driver but The Rock Bottom avoids it. The Killing Machine hits The Rock Bottom with the belly-to-belly suplex. The Killing Machine moves back to his feet. The Killing Machine locks The Rock Bottom in the kneebar. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... The Rock Bottom trys to escape. ... The Killing Machine breaks the hold. The Killing Machine applies an arm wrench to The Rock Bottom. The Killing Machine hits The Rock Bottom with an elbowdrop. The Killing Machine stands up. The Killing Machine fist drops The Rock Bottom on the mat. The Killing Machine moves back to his feet. The Rock Bottom gets up. The Killing Machine gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. ]

JBL - The Rock Bottom with a corkscrew armdrag.

[The Killing Machine gets up. The Rock Bottom executes a headlock takedown. The Rock Bottom hits The Killing Machine with the back of his elbow. ]

Johny Evans - The Rock Bottom with a back elbow.

[The Killing Machine gets hit with a dragon scerw from The Rock Bottom. ]

JBL - The Rock Bottom with a dragon screw.

[The Rock Bottom is back on his feet. The Killing Machine gets up. The Killing Machine with a headscissors takeover on The Rock Bottom. ]

Johny Evans - The Rock Bottom takes a headscissors takeover.

[The Killing Machine moves back to his feet. The Killing Machine drags The Rock Bottom to the floor. Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) The Rock Bottom gets up. (..2) The Rock Bottom punches The Killing Machine in the head. (...3) The Killing Machine rakes the face of The Rock Bottom in attempt to make a come back. ]

JBL - The Killing Machine executes a face rake.

[(....4) The Rock Bottom rakes the face of The Killing Machine in attempt to make a come back. (.....5) The Rock Bottom and The Killing Machine move back into the ring. The Rock Bottom chops The Killing Machine. The Killing Machine gets thrown into the turnbuckle. The Rock Bottom comes over and smashes The Killing Machine's head into it. The Rock Bottom executes a ropeflip hiptoss on The Killing Machine. ]

Johny Evans - The Rock Bottom with a ropeflip hiptoss.

[The Rock Bottom rolls onto The Killing Machine connecting with a knee. The Killing Machine is back on his feet. The Killing Machine nails the bridging back suplex on The Rock Bottom. The Killing Machine goes for a leg drop but The Rock Bottom dodges the attack. The Killing Machine drags The Rock Bottom to the floor. Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) (..2) The Killing Machine hits The Rock Bottom with an elbowdrop. The Killing Machine climbs to his feet. (...3) The Killing Machine measures The Rock Bottom up and drops a closed fist. ]

Johny Evans - The Rock Bottom takes a fist drop.

[The Killing Machine is up again. (....4) The Rock Bottom knifehand chops The Killing Machine. (.....5) The Killing Machine and The Rock Bottom move back into the ring. The Killing Machine gives The Rock Bottom a reverse neckbreaker. The Killing Machine knees The Rock Bottom and rolls back to his feet. The Rock Bottom moves back to his feet. The Rock Bottom picks up The Killing Machine and executes the cradle DDT. The Rock Bottom gets back to his feet. The Killing Machine is locked in the elbow submission by The Rock Bottom. Scott Armstrong asks The Killing Machine if he quits. ... ... ... ... The Rock Bottom breaks the hold. Now The Killing Machine standing. The Rock Bottom gets thrown into the turnbuckle. The Killing Machine comes over and smashes The Rock Bottom's head into it. The Rock Bottom nails The Killing Machine with a belly-to-back suplex. The Rock Bottom gets back to his feet. The Killing Machine gets up. The Rock Bottom gives The Killing Machine a reverse neckbreaker. The Killing Machine stands up. The Rock Bottom gets sent into the turnbuckle while The Killing Machine hits him with a splash. The Killing Machine locks The Rock Bottom in the kneebar. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) The Killing Machine breaks the hold. The Killing Machine knifehand chops The Rock Bottom. The Killing Machine sucks chants start in the crowd. The Rock Bottom gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. The Killing Machine picks up The Rock Bottom and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. The Killing Machine is back on his feet. The Rock Bottom gets back to his feet. The Killing Machine executes a headlock takedown. The Killing Machine delivers the F5!! The Killing Machine covers The Rock Bottom hooking the leg. Scott Armstrong counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JBL - We've got ourselves a winner!

JBL - The winner of this match, The Killing Machine!!!


bcvstheworld is coming towards the arena. He's gonna be in action next against Hedger.

bcvstheworld's music hits*

As bcvstheworld is walking down the ramp, suddenly Hedger comes out from backstage with a kendo stick and attacks bcvs from behind. The assault on bcvs continues but soon it was stopped as few officials came to bcvs' rescue.

The referee asks bcvs whether he can fight and he nods.

Johny Evans-bcvs showing some guts there. After that beat up he's all ready to fight!

Johny Evans - Hedger executes a double axhandle chop.

[Hedger hits bcvstheworld with an elbowdrop. Hedger hits bcvstheworld with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

JBL - elbowdrop!

[Now Hedger standing. bcvstheworld is back on his feet. bcvstheworld nails Hedger with a double underhook suplex. ]

Johny Evans - Nice double underhook suplex by bcvstheworld.

[Hedger is locked in the elbow submission by bcvstheworld. Referee Scott Armstrong is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) Hedger escapes. bcvstheworld trys for a leg drop but Hedger avoids it. bcvstheworld hits Hedger with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

JBL - Hedger takes a elbowdrop.

[Now bcvstheworld standing. bcvstheworld applies an arm wrench to Hedger. Hedger gets up. Hedger pokes bcvstheworld in the eyes. Hedger bites bcvstheworld's arm out of desparation. ]

Johny Evans - Hedger executes a arm bite.

[Hedger gouges bcvstheworld's eyes out. Hedger kicks bcvstheworld in the stomach. Hedger hits bcvstheworld with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Hedger climbs to his feet. bcvstheworld gets back to his feet. bcvstheworld executes a neck-breaker on Hedger. Hedger gets back to his feet. bcvstheworld gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Hedger tackles bcvstheworld to the mat. bcvstheworld executes a headlock takedown. Hedger hits bcvstheworld with an earringer. bcvstheworld executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Hedger. ]

Johny Evans - Hedger takes a ropeflip hiptoss.

[bcvstheworld fist drops Hedger on the mat. bcvstheworld gets up. bcvstheworld knees Hedger and rolls back to his feet. Hedger is up again. Running neckbreaker drop executed by Hedger takes bcvstheworld down hard. Hedger covers bcvstheworld hooking the leg. Referee Scott Armstrong makes the count. ...1 ...2 bcvstheworld kicks out. ]

Johny Evans - Hedger was so close!!

[Hedger grabs bcvstheworld's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Scott Armstrong is checking for a tap out. ... bcvstheworld trys to escape. ... Hedger tightens the hold. ... bcvstheworld is fighting the hold. Hedger breaks the hold. bcvstheworld knocks Hedger out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. bcvstheworld and Hedger go to the floor Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) (..2) bcvstheworld fist drops Hedger on the floor. bcvstheworld gets up. (...3) bcvstheworld grabs Hedger and applies an arm wrench. Hedger is back on his feet. (....4) Hedger uses a closed fist on bcvstheworld. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. bcvstheworld and Hedger move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. bcvstheworld and Hedger move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. bcvstheworld and Hedger move back to ringside. bcvstheworld takes Hedger into the ring. bcvstheworld executes a swinging bulldog on Hedger driving Hedger's face into the mat. bcvstheworld gets back to his feet. bcvstheworld hits Hedger with an elbowdrop. ]

Johny Evans - bcvstheworld executes a elbowdrop.

[bcvstheworld knees Hedger and rolls back to his feet. bcvstheworld applies an arm wrench to Hedger. bcvstheworld goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Hedger escapes. ]

JBL - Not even close!

[Hedger stands up. Hedger executes a split legged moonsault on to bcvstheworld. ]

Johny Evans - Nice split legged moonsault by Hedger.

[Now Hedger standing. Hedger hits bcvstheworld with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Hedger stands up. Hedger hits bcvstheworld with an elbowdrop. Now bcvstheworld standing. bcvstheworld connects with a flying knee. Hedger goes down. bcvstheworld hits Hedger with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. bcvstheworld is back on his feet. bcvstheworld rolls onto Hedger connecting with a knee. Hedger moves back to his feet. Hedger gets hit with a dragon scerw from bcvstheworld. bcvstheworld climbs to his feet. Hedger is back on his feet. Hedger executes the front-layout suplex on bcvstheworld. Hedger moves back to his feet. Hedger apllies the camel clutch on bcvstheworld. Scott Armstrong asks bcvstheworld if he quits. ... ... Hedger tightens the hold. bcvstheworld escapes. Hedger hits bcvstheworld with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Hedger is back on his feet. Hedger gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. bcvstheworld measures Hedger up and drops a closed fist. bcvstheworld stands up. bcvstheworld applies an arm wrench to Hedger. bcvstheworld covers Hedger. Scott Armstrong counts. ...1 Hedger kicks out. ]

Johny Evans - bcvstheworld should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Now Hedger standing. Hedger with an Aztecan suplex on bcvstheworld sends him to the mat. Hedger stands up. Hedger gets thrown into the turnbuckle. bcvstheworld comes over and smashes Hedger's head into it. bcvstheworld gives Hedger a reverse neckbreaker. bcvstheworld is back on his feet. Hedger climbs to his feet. Hedger with a huge super fisherman buster, driving bcvstheworld into the mat. ]

Johny Evans - If Hedger keeps using moves like that super fisherman buster he could win the match!

[Hedger is up again. Hedger hits bcvstheworld with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Hedger is up again. Hedger hits bcvstheworld with an elbowdrop. Hedger is up again. Hedger nails bcvstheworld with a double underhook suplex. Hedger hits bcvstheworld with an elbowdrop. Hedger is up again. bcvstheworld gets back to his feet. Hedger uses Hedger's Finisher on bcvstheworld. Hedger hits a screwdriver on bcvstheworld. bcvstheworld is pinned. Scott Armstrong counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JBL - We've got ourselves a winner!

JBL - The winner of this match, Hedger!!!

Hedger wasn't done with bcvs yet. He takes him to the commentary table.

Johny Evans-What is he upto now??

Scott Armstrong-*Shouting* Stop it Hedger! The match is over and you've won it.

Hedger didn't even care and makes bcvs stand on his feet. bcvs couldn't do anything after the hell of a beating he got from the hands of Hedger. Hedger stood there, watching the crowd boo, and enjoying it every bit, he executes a viscous chokeslam on bcvs through the table. Hedger was then seen giving an evil laugh, standing tall with one of his feet on bcvs' chest.

That was a bad one for me. Who the fucck is that Killing Machine?


Ohh its GI.
Was a good match. Good read. Feels great to have won the debut match. Looking forward for a powerful career.

That was a bad one for me. Who the fucck is that Killing Machine?


Ohh its GI.

:lol You seem to be having some memory problem already after being hit by F5!

JBL-Welcome back, after the break guys!
Johny Evans-Hedger has done a lot of damage to poor bcvs. He had to be carried back on a stretcher. Hopefully he'll be alright.
JBL-Moving onto the main event for tonight. It's a rivalry that started back at the beginning of TWE.
Johny Evans-Yeah, the rivalry has been going on since. And it will be once again rekindled tonight!
Dragon Master vs. Zoraxis Nostradamus (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

JBL - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 160 pounds, from Parts Unknown accompanied by Zoraxena Nostradamus, Zoraxis Nostradamus!!! (crowd cheers *******)

[Pyros go off, and Zoraxis makes his way to the ring, accompanied by Zoraxena, to huge cheers ]

JBL - and his opponent, weighing in at 280 pounds, from Dragon Land, Dragon Master!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[From the land of Dragon here comes dragon master!!!! Zoraxis Nostradamus executes a pumphandle suplex on Dragon Master. Dragon Master places Zoraxis Nostradamus on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Zoraxis Nostradamus hits him with a back fist. ]

Johny Evans - Zoraxis Nostradamus with a back fist.

[Zoraxis Nostradamus gets hit with a dragon scerw from Dragon Master. Dragon Master is back on his feet. Now Zoraxis Nostradamus standing. Zoraxis Nostradamus bounces Dragon Master off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Zoraxis Nostradamus punches Dragon Master repeatedly. Dragon Master takes Zoraxis Nostradamus down with a knee. Dragon Master knees Zoraxis Nostradamus and rolls back to his feet. Zoraxis Nostradamus moves back to his feet. Dragon Master hits a spinning leg lariat on Zoraxis Nostradamus sending him to the mat. Dragon Master fist drops Zoraxis Nostradamus on the mat. Dragon Master is back on his feet. Dragon Master hits Zoraxis Nostradamus with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Dragon Master gets up. Dragon Master covers Zoraxis Nostradamus. The ref starts the count. ...1 Zoraxis Nostradamus escapes. ]

JBL - Not even close!

[Now Zoraxis Nostradamus standing. Dragon Master executes a swinging bulldog on Zoraxis Nostradamus driving Zoraxis Nostradamus's face into the mat. Dragon Master stands up. Dragon Master covers Zoraxis Nostradamus hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 Zoraxis Nostradamus kicks out. ]

JBL - Not even close!

[Zoraxis Nostradamus climbs to his feet. Dragon Master executes a headlock takedown. Dragon Master covers Zoraxis Nostradamus. Scott Armstrong counts. ...1 Zoraxis Nostradamus escapes. ]

Johny Evans - Dragon Master should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Zoraxis Nostradamus stands up. Zoraxis Nostradamus with a headscissors takeover on Dragon Master. Zoraxis Nostradamus chants start. Zoraxis Nostradamus gets back to his feet. Dragon Master nails the bridging back suplex on Zoraxis Nostradamus. Dragon Master chants start. ]

JBL - Nice bridging back suplex by Dragon Master.

[Dragon Master sends Zoraxis Nostradamus to ringside. Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) ]

[(..2) Dragon Master grabs Zoraxis Nostradamus and applies an arm wrench. (...3) Zoraxis Nostradamus uses a snap mare takeover on Dragon Master. Dragon Master climbs to his feet. (....4) Zoraxis Nostradamus mule kicks Dragon Master. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Zoraxis Nostradamus and Dragon Master move back to ringside. Zoraxis Nostradamus takes Dragon Master into the ring. Zoraxis Nostradamus clotheslines Dragon Master. Dragon Master knifehand chops Zoraxis Nostradamus. Zoraxis Nostradamus double underhook faceslams Dragon Master hard to the Dragon Master. Zoraxis Nostradamus clotheslines Dragon Master. Zoraxis Nostradamus trys for a backdrop but is not strong enough to lift Dragon Master.Zoraxis Nostradamus neck snaps Dragon Master. Zoraxis Nostradamus applies the clawhold on Dragon Master. Zoraxis Nostradamus trys for a gutbuster but is unable to lift Dragon Master.Zoraxis Nostradamus executes a headlock takedown. They lockup. Zoraxis Nostradamus sends Dragon Master to the corner of the ring. ]

JBL - Zoraxis Nostradamus with a weak move.

[Zoraxis Nostradamus hits Dragon Master with the back of his elbow. ]

Johny Evans - Dragon Master takes a back elbow.

[Dragon Master side slams Zoraxis Nostradamus. Dragon Master drags Zoraxis Nostradamus to the floor. Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) ]

Johny Evans - Dragon Master is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Dragon Master runs in and leg drops Zoraxis Nostradamus. (..2) (...3) Dragon Master hits Zoraxis Nostradamus with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Zoraxis Nostradamus is back on his feet. (....4) Dragon Master hits Zoraxis Nostradamus with the back of his elbow. ]

JBL - Dragon Master executes a back elbow.

[(.....5) Zoraxis Nostradamus and Dragon Master move back into the ring. Zoraxis Nostradamus slaps Dragon Master. Zoraxis Nostradamus kicks Dragon Master in the groin. ]

Johny Evans - kick to the groin!

[Dragon Master short lariats Zoraxis Nostradamus. Now Zoraxis Nostradamus standing. Zoraxis Nostradamus gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Dragon Master comes over and smashes Zoraxis Nostradamus's head into it. ]

JBL - Dragon Master with a headsmash into turnbuckle.

[Dragon Master spinebuster bombs Zoraxis Nostradamus onto the mat. Dragon Master locks Zoraxis Nostradamus in the kneebar. Referee Scott Armstrong is checking for a tap out. ... Dragon Master tightens the hold. ... Zoraxis Nostradamus is fighting the hold. ... ... Zoraxis Nostradamus is fighting the hold. Dragon Master breaks the hold. Dragon Master sends Zoraxis Nostradamus to ringside. Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) ]

[(..2) Zoraxis Nostradamus hits a spinning leg lariat on Dragon Master sending him to the floor. (...3) Dragon Master rakes the face of Zoraxis Nostradamus in attempt to make a come back. (....4) Zoraxis Nostradamus hits a jumping elbow hrust on Dragon Master. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Dragon Master and Zoraxis Nostradamus move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Zoraxis Nostradamus gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. ]

Johny Evans - Dragon Master with a corkscrew armdrag.

[Zoraxis Nostradamus gets back to his feet. Zoraxis Nostradamus chops Dragon Master. Dragon Master gives Zoraxis Nostradamus a reverse neckbreaker. Dragon Master moves back to his feet. Dragon Master punches Zoraxis Nostradamus in the head. Zoraxis Nostradamus throws Dragon Master off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Zoraxis Nostradamus chants start. Zoraxis Nostradamus is up again. Dragon Master moves back to his feet. Zoraxis Nostradamus sends Dragon Master to ringside. ]

JBL - Zoraxis Nostradamus can't get a pin at ringside.

[Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) (..2) Zoraxis Nostradamus executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Dragon Master. Dragon Master is up again. (...3) Zoraxis Nostradamus uses a closed fist on Dragon Master. (....4) Dragon Master executes the jumping sidekick on Zoraxis Nostradamus. (.....5) Dragon Master and Zoraxis Nostradamus move back into the ring. Dragon Master knees Zoraxis Nostradamus and rolls back to his feet. Dragon Master grabs Zoraxis Nostradamus and applies an arm wrench. Dragon Master fist drops Zoraxis Nostradamus on the mat. Dragon Master gets back to his feet. Zoraxis Nostradamus climbs to his feet. Zoraxis Nostradamus trys for a spinning back suplex but is not strong enough to lift Dragon Master.]

[Zoraxis Nostradamus rakes the face of Dragon Master in attempt to make a come back. Dragon Master executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Zoraxis Nostradamus. Dragon Master applies an arm wrench to Zoraxis Nostradamus. ]

JBL - Zoraxis Nostradamus takes a arm wrench.

[Dragon Master goes for a pin. Scott Armstrong counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Zoraxis Nostradamus escapes. ]

Johny Evans - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Zoraxis Nostradamus.

[Dragon Master nails Zoraxis Nostradamus with a belly-to-back suplex. Dragon Master is back on his feet. Zoraxis Nostradamus is back on his feet. Zoraxis Nostradamus pokes Dragon Master in the eyes. Zoraxis Nostradamus does a cartwheel and kicks Dragon Master in the face. Zoraxis Nostradamus clotheslines Dragon Master. ]

Johny Evans - Dragon Master takes a weak move.

[Zoraxis Nostradamus short-arm clotheslines Dragon Master to the mat. Zoraxis Nostradamus clotheslines Dragon Master. ]

JBL - Zoraxis Nostradamus executes a weak move.

[Zoraxis Nostradamus double underhook faceslams Dragon Master hard to the Dragon Master. Dragon Master gets hit with the shooting star press from Zoraxis Nostradamus. Referee Scott Armstrong makes the count. ...1 ...2 Dragon Master escapes. ]

Johny Evans - Zoraxis Nostradamus should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Dragon Master gets back to his feet. Zoraxis Nostradamus chops Dragon Master. Zoraxis Nostradamus kicks Dragon Master in the groin. Zoraxis Nostradamus hits Dragon Master with the back of his elbow. ]

JBL - Dragon Master takes a back elbow.

[Zoraxis Nostradamus mule kicks Dragon Master. Dragon Master is up again. Dragon Master executes a split legged moonsault on to Zoraxis Nostradamus. ]

Johny Evans - Nice split legged moonsault by Dragon Master.

[Dragon Master climbs to his feet. Dragon Master chops Zoraxis Nostradamus. Dragon Master executes the jumping sidekick on Zoraxis Nostradamus. Dragon Master with a headscissors takeover on Zoraxis Nostradamus. Dragon Master moves back to his feet. Dragon Master rolls onto Zoraxis Nostradamus connecting with a knee. Dragon Master gives Zoraxis Nostradamus the dragon bomb onto the mat. Dragon Master covers Zoraxis Nostradamus. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JBL - We've got ourselves a winner!

JBL - The winner of this match, Dragon Master!!!

Johny Evans-Thanks for joining us folks, on this return episode. We'll see you again on the next episode of TWE!

*The lights are off*
*The lights are back*

Zorax is missing from the ring. Dragon Master is lying there in the middle, beaten up really badly, with a rose on his chest and '47' written on his forehead.


Zorax is seen running towards his limo. He struggles a bit to get in, and when he gets in the limo is driven out of the arena as quick as possible. The camera then focuses on the rose on the ground, beside it was again written '47', with blood.

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