Now if only I could find someone selling them.
I've spent an hour surfing the web looking for pics and have come up with nada. :(

As for Ashley Giles's bat, it's definitely a 2006 model. Again, no pics unfortunately.
I recieved that same picture in an email, im looking around the Easton site for an email address, i'll get it sent off when i find it.

Edit: Just emailed them.
This has prob been pointed out but i have a kahuna bought it 2 wks ago and it has a green grip and pontings has green grip dont it?
A little bit of news for you, Andre Nel uses a County bat just like the one Warne uses.
a new kookaburra sword i think:) corey richards uses it, have a look the kookaburra logo at front dont look like a kahuna


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Funny that it's Kahuna coloured. You're quite right though, that is a Sword logo. Also weird that it's not on the Kookaburra website where they even show bats that no one uses (Genesis anyone?!). I did see a pic of the back of this bat somewhere I think. I'll try and find it again...
yeh i watched him play and swore it was a sword, just thought u might like to know!
gr8 so can u make MRF batpack(4GB)and Gn batpack plssssssssssssssssssssss...............................sorry to trouble u BF or rather Burma's Finest
AB de Villiers was using one of the Graphite backed Kahunas in his short innings today.

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