Your Cricket The Art of Legspin

well in England its perfect conditions for legspin bowling as it barely rained at all so the pitches are dry and crumbly so the ball turns alot. I had three balls in my match earlier which span round the legs of the batsmen, they all went over the wickets but I got two wickets to help win the match so it was an all round good day for me.
so i'm a part time leggie and i have trouble spinning it away from the right hander... most balls i bowl turn into the batsman. any suggestions on what grip i shoudl aim to use and release action?
^^ If you look at few previous pages, you will see lots of discussion on that topic. Many of us had that problem.

I recently posted something that helped me a lot. So look for that... As leggie, if you are not turning it away from the RHB it could be very annoying... :laugh

McLOVIN added 7 Minutes and 30 Seconds later...

well in England its perfect conditions for legspin bowling as it barely rained at all so the pitches are dry and crumbly so the ball turns alot. I had three balls in my match earlier which span round the legs of the batsmen, they all went over the wickets but I got two wickets to help win the match so it was an all round good day for me.

I am thinking about going to Aus/Eng after college, and I wanna do that mainly because of cricket. I wanna get trained, get better. I haven't looked into it yet, but they must have some good academies and stuff?
Is it just me, or do I just personally feel that Leg-spin is more effective way or attacking to a right-hander rather than Off-spin?

Yes Leg-spin is much more affective. I face my dad at-least twice a week and it's almost impossible to play (he bowls leg-spin) and i find off-spin easier to play than any bowling style.

On another note there is a ball i can bowl that swings out and cuts back across right handers (i like to call it the super wrong-un) that gets me a wicket every-time i bowl it. If you can develop a ball similar to it stick with the spin... sadly i didn't.
Growing up as a cricketer, my action and delivery came out very weird, and long story short, my stock ball is a googly, everytime, except if I straighten my hand it turns into a gentle leg-spinner. However, I don't want this. Any help?
Growing up as a cricketer, my action and delivery came out very weird, and long story short, my stock ball is a googly, everytime, except if I straighten my hand it turns into a gentle leg-spinner. However, I don't want this. Any help?

How do you hold the ball? Three fingers is the best index,middle and ring finger.

How ever if you already do this, bowl it out of the front of your hand so it becomes a leg-spinner not a Googly.
Is anyone else a legspinner, there's no point in me posting on this thread if there isn't anyone else who bowls legspin.

I used to bowl wrist spin, have a fairly decent knowledge of it. Was able to bowl a legbreak, googly and topsinner at one point of time. Suck at it now tho, lost everything due to lack of practice. But if you need someone to discuss it with I'm there.
I didn't mean it like that lol, I just meant if there are any other active legspinners to discuss legspin with otherwise there is no point in posting.
I am a legspinner, though I don't bowl much since I struggle to get my length correct, but the ball (tennis ball) spins. :p
hey I play cricket as well and I can bowl leg spin but my bowl spins to much sometimes and it goes way down the legside for a wide:(
Legspin is my favorite type of bowling and I always wanna be an amazing leggie. Took 4 wickets in two overs in the school's interhouse match. They could even play legspin
For those that can't get the ball turning anymore or just can't get it to turn, I finally figured out that I didn't keep my wrist cocked when it got down to my hip, I have the wrist cocked before the hip but not after it. Hard thing to notice without a coach to point it out. Now I'm getting some major turn.
I'm a seamer n a spinner, can seam it both ways n turn it both ways 2, i generally prefer bowlin spin, normally i started out as an off spinner then i learnt leg spin, i generally hold the ball wid three fingers, thumb, index n middle finger, i knw its an awkward way of holdin it but it helps me turn the ball a long way

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