Your Cricket The Art of Legspin

Is it just me, or do I just personally feel that Leg-spin is more effective way or attacking to a right-hander rather than Off-spin?
Is it just me, or do I just personally feel that Leg-spin is more effective way or attacking to a right-hander rather than Off-spin?

My brother loves facing my offspin because it spins into his arc. But when I spin it the other way, he almost always misses it. :laugh

But I am different, I have difficulty facing spin either way because I have a much better technique than my brother, who just tries to slog every ball.

So I guess it depends on the batsmen. The worse they are, the better it is to spin it away from them.
Really depends on the type of spinner. Off spinners with the arm ball or doosra are really hard to face if you aren't looking at the fingers. I played a guy who had both and I was being beaten by the doosra everytime he bowled it. Pretty embarrassing!
Lol :p

Why can't you learn them off the video? I had a cricket ball in hand, paused the videos when he was showing the grips, and copied them as he did. Memorised them, and then bowled them and it worked out.
Thats how i did it! And i shouldnt have, i should have just kept bowling the leggy.. too much variation killed my leggy!!
Lol :p

Why can't you learn them off the video? I had a cricket ball in hand, paused the videos when he was showing the grips, and copied them as he did. Memorised them, and then bowled them and it worked out.

Dude I tried them over and over again but everytime I got mine spinning to the left, no matter how unorthodox my grip was.
You need someone to tell you what you're doing wrong then. Any friends live nearby who you could show the video too, and then show them what you're doing, and ask them what's wrong?

Maybe bowl in front of a mirror, to see how you're releasing the ball?
You need someone to tell you what you're doing wrong then. Any friends live nearby who you could show the video too, and then show them what you're doing, and ask them what's wrong?

Maybe bowl in front of a mirror, to see how you're releasing the ball?

Nope don't know anyone that bowls it.

A mirror won't help because I know exactly what I'm doing, what the problem is I don't know what you guys are doing :laugh
no it feels like your doing it right, but in videos/mirror it looks lot different

just get some 1 to tell you what you are doing wrong. it helps a lot
Video is better than mirror. In the mirror, unless you've got a very interesting house, you're taking it very easy and possibly also bowling to what you expect to perceive. When you actually go to bowl, the extra exertion may be behind the problem.
If you've got a laptop or an iPod touch or something just take it out to your backyard and with wifi stream the video, pause when need be and let em rip.
Jjust take a camera! goddamn kids, in our days ... lol i cant do this...

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