Your Cricket The Art of Legspin

Just stop and go back to your mark. That will really throw him off for the next delivery.

But the thing is I like it when the batsmen has a go at me. Usually their mind is in a bad state, all you need to do is bowl it well and you can pick up his wicket.

Slowing it up and bowling it exactly on a length (which they turn into a half volley) really gets most of my wickets (usually stumped).
ya. not bowling only works for the offies. leggies are suppose to get hit. so if the batsman attacks you, you gotta make use of that. thats your best chance to pick him up
My leggies are slow to begin with so I usually slip the seam-up quicker one. My quick-legbreak usually zaps down the legside.
ya. not bowling only works for the offies. leggies are suppose to get hit. so if the batsman attacks you, you gotta make use of that. thats your best chance to pick him up

I tried bowling off-spin a while ago and I hated it. I was economical at best, but when the batsmen had a go at me, I always lost. I am more economical with my leggy anyways.
I've gotta work on my line and length. I keep putting it too short which allows the batters to work me around very easily and even cut/pull me.

My offies are pretty average, keep putting it on half volley and getting driven.
I spent a season a about 5 years ago trying leggies, but my coach told me to stop since he said my quickies were much better, possibly a bad decision since now my quickies are near useless, and not quick. I picked it up against a year or two ago, but just couldn't get the accuracy. I got a good amount of spin, but the ball would tend to go everywhere, and it wasn't effective.

So I've just been bowling medium pace sort of since, the best thing about bowling medium pace is you not only have a slower ball, but a quicker ball. I use the latter quite a bit to my advantage. I can get some good angle, which helps, and when I can get the new ball (usually only in practice) I can really fire them in quick.

Am experiementing with offies now, as earlier mentioned, it's much easier to control flight and pace, even spin to an extent. I've even got a touch of drift here and there. But again, not too accurate or threatening to a batsman, and I'm not able to get much spin in the past few weeks.
Wow, that post added so much to the discussion.

If I see a batsman charging down, I spear it in a little shorter, and try and get them to york themselves. And if they charge down a bit late, I fire it wide or stop completely, as Hmarka says. It does annoy them :p
No way is Legspin dying. Warne and Kumble just retired. Piyush is such an exciting prospect, and Mishra is doing rounds pretty decently for India at the moment. Australia produce lots of legspin bowlers every year.

Over the last decades we've had so many quality leggies play in the international arena. There's a bit of a lull now but it's only a matter of time before it sparks again.

I've got a feeling that the next leggie-genius is going to be a Siril.
Wow, that post added so much to the discussion.

If I see a batsman charging down, I spear it in a little shorter, and try and get them to york themselves. And if they charge down a bit late, I fire it wide or stop completely, as Hmarka says. It does annoy them :p

top spinner for me, as i my toppy really chops up. it really works for me. or i just bowl a wide ball, let the keeper do the rest.
Who got a jump (or hop or w/e) on their run up? For me, jump has been on and off. Brought it back today at the practice. I think its good having a jump. It's not a high jump, very low 1. Kinda like Warne's jump. But mine is more visible. You can tell I am jumping to get to the line. Unlike Warne's. I didnt even know he jumped, until i watched it in slow-mo during last IPL. Did you guys know this?
It's more like a skip than a jump. My own run-up is very short, I start where the umpire stands :laugh

I experiment with my bowling all the time, even in the real games, so basically I have tried anything you can imagine.
Does having a skip/jump effect bowling in any way? Or is it more about flow and fluency of the run-up?
Does having a skip/jump effect bowling in any way? Or is it more about flow and fluency of the run-up?

A higher point of release is always a good thing. Jumping just helps to make you nice and tall. Sometimes when you stay on your feet, you can accidentally bend and squat lower.
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A hop always helps.

Personally, my runup is very straight with no hop or anything, but I bowl the ball quite flat so meh.
I always got more turn with a hop. If you look at all the great spinners, they got hop. Kumble, Vettori, Afridi, Rafique ...

But its a personal thing. Warne always says, w/e suits you the best. Hold the ball tight or lose, short or long run up, thumb on or off the ball.. its all up to you as long as you do the basic.

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