Your Cricket The Art of Legspin

Spin - 5/10. Don't notice a lot of sideways movement when I bowl
Accuracy - 8/10. Literally can land my legbreaks where I want to 8 times out of 10 when I'm bowling well.
Bounce - 8/10. I get nice bounce, but that might just be due to the cement pitches.
Drift - Non existent. Atleast I've never seen any significant drift.
Topspinner - 8/10. I do it pretty well, and it sometimes ends up as my stock delivery.
Googly - 4/10. Need a lot more work, but I could land it accurately and spin it once upon a time. it used to be my stock ball a couple of years ago
Faster ball - 7/10. I do that pretty well. It's quick and accurate, but maybe easy to pick up.
btw whats drift. i never got that

It is swing but for a spinner.

It works by the air friction in contact with the rotation of the ball. Rather than with normal swing, where air friction is in contact with a surface of the ball.

You get more drift the slower and higher you bowl it. Drift is directly proportional to Spin.
More revs you got on the ball (ie, spinning it faster) the more drift you'll get. Obviously a bit of assistance from the wind helps too.

Most of you have probably already seen this, but it helps loads -
Drift is the magnus effect, same as throwing a curve ball in baseball. If you've seen one, it's a good way to understand the phenomenon, because it's much flatter and simpler than spin bowling. With a cricket ball floating up and plunging, the ball can drift in a more three-dimensional vector.
Ok my stock ball seems to be a top spinner. I had a feeling it was given the amount of extra bounce I seem to get. I'm taking I should be rotating my hand more but that seem to result in the wrongun. So I'm kinda of lost to how I should be getting the leg spinner.
Ok my stock ball seems to be a top spinner. I had a feeling it was given the amount of extra bounce I seem to get. I'm taking I should be rotating my hand more but that seem to result in the wrongun. So I'm kinda of lost to how I should be getting the leg spinner.

^ noob :p

Just experiment the position of your wrist and fingers, you should find it soon enough.
Ok my stock ball seems to be a top spinner. I had a feeling it was given the amount of extra bounce I seem to get. I'm taking I should be rotating my hand more but that seem to result in the wrongun. So I'm kinda of lost to how I should be getting the leg spinner.

like i already mentioned it before, this is exactly what happened to me when i was trying out all this variation before i could even bowl the leggy properly. i started to work on other stuff, rather then focusing on the leggy. and i was lost. i couldnt bowl the leggy for a while, it would come out as top spinner or the wrong'un, or a leggy with no spin. and i am still working my way back to leg spin, i lost a lot of spin as well. people kept telling me forget the googly, just work on your leg spin, but i didnt care.. now look what happened.

so forget the other stuff for a while. and make some 1 stand behind you and show them what position your wrist suppose to be. then bowl and ask them to tell you what you are doing wrong. better yet, set a camera
Wrong'un means you're showing the back of the hand, top spinner means you're halfway. Just keep trying to get it more palm-on.
^ noob :p

Just experiment the position of your wrist and fingers, you should find it soon enough.

Yep I'll call it noob, rather than no talent :p Been trying what you said, still trying to figure it. I found when I gripped the ball tight I could get it to spin at times. But when I try it again the next ball its gone.

like i already mentioned it before, this is exactly what happened to me when i was trying out all this variation before i could even bowl the leggy properly. i started to work on other stuff, rather then focusing on the leggy. and i was lost. i couldnt bowl the leggy for a while, it would come out as top spinner or the wrong'un, or a leggy with no spin. and i am still working my way back to leg spin, i lost a lot of spin as well. people kept telling me forget the googly, just work on your leg spin, but i didnt care.. now look what happened.

so forget the other stuff for a while. and make some 1 stand behind you and show them what position your wrist suppose to be. then bowl and ask them to tell you what you are doing wrong. better yet, set a camera

That sounds like me, tried to bowl the wrongun and since then I've struggled to spin it. Although I only started bowling again last year, picked up a ball and I was spinning it. Before that I could never spin it, probably cause I had no idea what I doing!
ya just bowl the leggy for a while, forget the wrong'un or even the toppy. it mess you up
Yep I'll call it noob, rather than no talent :p Been trying what you said, still trying to figure it. I found when I gripped the ball tight I could get it to spin at times. But when I try it again the next ball its gone.

What ball you using?

Grip lighter balls lighter and heavier balls tighter :)

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