The Ashes

Precisely!I can't wait for the ashes so that FINALLY,it will be proven that the Aussies are the best team in the world,and not England(:eek:)
There can be know doubt that australia will win the ashes. Shane Warne will be the key factor. He has lost his big leg break but it is replaced with control. In my opinion he has the best control out of any bowler in world cricket. Also the english pitches will be suited to him just look at his record in county cricket. Half the english team have no experience again leg spin of warne's quality.
gold639 said:
Precisely!I can't wait for the ashes so that FINALLY,it will be proven that the Aussies are the best team in the world,and not England(:eek:)

couldnt agree with you any more :drinks
who said that england is the best team :(
England won't win the ashes, Australia will be to good.

But we'll have to wait & see.

do u think that england can beat aAUS and who's th best harmison or magrath
gold639 said:
Precisely!I can't wait for the ashes so that FINALLY,it will be proven that the Aussies are the best team in the world,and not England(:eek:)
It's already been proven that Australia is the best team in the world
Jarryd said:
England have got absolutely no chance in hell. They think they're the best team ever cos they're on a winning streak. Lets look at who they've beaten.

Windies: Gee, tough challenge there [/sarcasm]
NZ: After what we (Australia) did to them, they hardly count.
SA: Hardly the best team in the world ATM.

THATS IT! Hardly any opposition u can play against and then say your good enough to even CHALLENGE Australia.

Will you shut up! You constantly slag us off, I've never said that we'll beat you, same as many other people. I'm, personally getting very, very bored with your anti-English comments and I am sure alot of other people are too. We admit you're the best in the world and you still find the 'need' to degrade our performances and make fun of our achievments. Like i've aready said, I think you will win, whether it be easy or hard.

We could easily say you've 'only' beaten New Zealand too, and the West Indies a little while ago. But I won't because you beat the Indians in their own back yard and while they may not have been at their best, it still wasn't easy! But surely our results tell you something, that we are a improving side. In previous years, we've rolled over when the going got tough, but we have players capable of changing the course of the match. The most recent example of that is Simon Jones' burst at PE, when nothing was happening, he changed the match with a spell of 4-18 or something like that. Also, in the last test, Andrew Flintoff and Geraint Jones coming in and smacking vital runs at a time when we could easily have been skittled for under 500.

We are building a side that is going to be challenging for the Ashes in the future, and you, unlike some of the other Aussies on here, can't see it!
"Will you shut up!" Now I got banned for saying that. But anyway.....

England have NO CHANCE of winning the ashes. They have beaten no-one, Strauss is the shining light in a team that will be made to look mediocre against the true world champions. Harmison will be shown for the average bowler he is when he constantly bowls at great batsman, rather than just one or two an inning. Flintoff will be seen as average to when he is smacked around by Gilly, then skittled by Warnie.

England have NO CHANCE.
Jarryd said:
"Will you shut up!" Now I got banned for saying that. But anyway.....

But I didn't say it to someone who could ban me............. :D


Where did I say England will win the Ashes next year? I didn't did I. I said, you will you win, whether it be easy or hard I believe........
Shouldn't matter. But you weren't having a go at a team in India, hence you couldn't be constrused as being racist. Unlike a certain mod..............

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