Your Cricket The Backlift


School Cricketer
Jan 13, 2011
Perth, WA
Online Cricket Games Owned
I personally got taught to lift my bat as the bowler is running in, and then play my shot at the correct time.

Lately though, I've had trouble with just before I play my shot I lift my bat slightly and then swing. This seems to put me off, but I do it automatically. So I decided to watch some professional players and I see Sachin lifts his bat later and continues lifting it until his downstroke.

What do you do?

Any advice?
Is it personally affecting your form? if not then it may just be a natural trigger movement/quirk,so shouldn't be a problem,the best advice would be to purely concentrate on the ball and the shot you're going to play instead of worrying about what happens before you play the ball.
concentrate on the ball and the shot you're going to play instead of worrying about what happens before you play the ball.

I've only ever had to concentrate on the ball, never the shot. I believe the shot should come from instinct, not conscious decision. If your trying to choose a shot consciously don't it can do all sorts of things to your game, all of which are bad.

Oh and to help the thread, i'd say don't worry.
But if you want to stop raising the bat, get a heavier bat.
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I've only ever had to concentrate on the ball, never the shot. I believe the shot should come from instinct, not conscious decision. If your trying to choose a shot consciously don't it can do all sorts of things to your game, all of which are bad.


your shot choice really should be both instinctive,yet there should also be a level of thought put into the shot you play,otherwise you'll end up doing 6 of one and half a dozen of another,which is never good,however i do agree that its never good to over-analyse.
Thanks for the ideas.

It was affecting my batting, but, I altered my backlift slightly this morning before batting. And I made 14 NO from 41 at no 9, coming back from 2 months out. Usually bat higher up the order (1-4), but like I said I've been out for two months injured. Not too bad at the crease, but the altered backlift seemed to help.

I just raised my bat slightly later and higher, and I batted more smoothly.

Thanks for the help, nevertheless.
Have you been taught that backlift forcefully? I suggest you drop trying that if it is not so evolving from your natural instincts. But by what I gather, you're mid way into putting it into use, and I have an idea.

If you see Van wyk, he holds the bat like a baseball player before the on-coming delivery and it has benefited him and looked nice to lessen troubles with stressing balance with the back lift. See the SA vs India t20i match that happened in Durban recently.

You should try that out, it gives you automatic power over your shots in a manner but that means you should use a light weight bat and being 2 months out it's not such a bad idea to try it out. :)

Also don't keep in mind of the back lift too much, you might trouble yourself while you bat. Try playing a dummy straight drive with lifting the bat further high and back every time you have finished playing a stroke, and keep doing it in the nets before you bat, that, to your comfort zone. So it goes with your batting naturally.
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Yes, I watched van Wyk. The problem is that before I was out for 2 months my backlift was fine. But coming back I haven't batted or worked the tenderness out of my wrist. Anyway, basically, my backlift changed and that affected my head, and it wasn't keeping as still and stable as before.

As I said I fixed that, and with practice it should become automatic as before.

Thanks for the advice.
personally i don't think that you can teach backlift, its just where you feel comfortable. i have what you could consider quite a high back lift, but i dont feel that this has any effect on the way that i play the ball. although this past winter season (nets) i've had to work on playing spin bowling so back lift has changed slightly whilst facing them, gotta keep out those odd quicker ones :lol

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