Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to Barbados!!!For this thrilling encounter between Wild Wolverines and Lightning Lions.Both the teams are currently on a great Run.Wolverines are playing like invincibles and Lions and Vipers are a threat to their crown of invincibility in Limited Overs Formats.SO here are the conditions for today's game:
Let's get on to the field for the toss:
Wolverines have won the toss and have elected to bat first.Sid's showing confidence on his batsmen.
Whoa!!What a Surprise !!!!Tom Baker's todays opener.
First 6 Overs go at an average....Baker bangs and Atul keeps wickets
Atul Departs on 26 and Baker still punishing the bowlers...Oh my GOd!!!Fight in the dugout between Shubhrayu and Aamir at the dugout....
SHubhrayu:Bah!!You opener you can' bat at number 3 it's my spot..
Aamir:I'll rethink the test lineup which we decided yesterday at the Bar.
Shubhrayu:Go Kid!!bat this time...
Aamir walks in...Full confidence on his face and he's smiling all over..
Shubhrayu from the dugout:Hey you stop endorsing your toothpaste brands now..
Aamir:Oh move one!!I am paid for that
Shubhrayu:I am paid for many other things shall I start doing those here...
Aamir:Go Kid!!
Shubhrayu:Go Pimp
Aamir proves Shubhrayu's words wrong.....Goes there smashes the ball here and there...
Baker reaches his fast and furious fifty.....Still playing...OMG!!!Had a lot of Vodka last night
Aamir goes banging and bashing the bowlers....Reaches his 40.Quite quick...
First innings score:
Aamir and Baker return here are the reactions of all the Wolves:
Atul:God knows what they ate yesterday night!!!I guess I had less
Tuaha:Well Done guys!Hope I bat someday
Sid:Well I'll let you bat tomorrow in the nets for 2 Hours.I knew it Aamir and Baker are gonna play!!I guess they had Red Bull yesterday at the bar...
Shubhrayu:Old Bones've still got some spirit!!LOL this Aamir endorses calcium sandoz!!
Covvy:.....Wait Let me warm up....21 full rounds of the ground
SHubhrayu:Then it's heat up not warm up
Shubhrayu and Aamir walking in together...God!!where's Shubhrayu's cap??
Shubhrayu's reaction:If Aamir can endorse his toothpaste then why can't I endorse my hair gel...
Till the time first innings Stats:
Lions openers Walking in:
A Breakthrough for the Wolves in 6 Overs:
Wolves pressuring Lions and succeed:10 overs 48 Runs
Now Lions Bang up Wolves:15 Overs 92 for the loss of two..
More Coming Soon...TIll then watch out