The Great PlanetCricket Ask Me Anything You Like Thread [AMAYL]

We should have a 100 hour rule. If someone goes 100 hours without answering they are skipped and the person can ask someone else a question.

A member with the username Misbah ul Haq will be a clear winner in that case.
He's been online. :p Probably he doesn't want to be involved in a thread started by Biggs :p

:lol Nah, I'd presume he just has notifications turned off, or conversely just doesn't look at them
1. The people, they suuuuuuuuuuuuck
2. roller skates would be cool
3. 1, I'm pretty piss weak with food.
@Ross, why you no answer my question? @MattW, what brought you here?
sorry had to be quick
@MattW, what brought you here?
It's not a particularly amusing story unfortunately - back when I was younger and had a shed of optimism I thought I could be a cricket commentator one day (ignoring the lack of cricket ability, talent and knowledge that might be relevant) - I found The Cricket Project as it was called at the time (later called The Art of Cricket) on the forums, which was going to get forum members to make the game commentary. So I signed up and posted a sample - which is now thankfully lost to the depths of the internet.

Anyway, thanks for the question - because it lets me ask...
@warlord - who are your comedic inspirations? I'm always laughing at your posts.
No Offence to DAD :rolleyes


Glad that you are laughing MattW. I would like to see a picture of it.
Hahah, F#$k. It would HAVE to be Warlord who broke it. Bravo, W. You knew what you were doing.

We'll get @MattW to Q someone else for some A since Warlord stuffed it up.

So I signed up and posted a sample - which is now thankfully lost to the depths of the internet.

I'm placing a bounty on this audio, first person to find it for me gets a free Avatar and my eternal respect.
Hahah, F#$k. It would HAVE to be Warlord who broke it. Bravo, W. You knew what you were doing.

We'll get @MattW to Q someone else for some A since Warlord stuffed it up.
I'll take the safest route to thread revival and ask @Ross for the release date.

If that fails, and I can't see why it would, I'll ask @blockerdave - if we suddenly ran out of tree, what material would you make cricket bats out of?
Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator fool, should've PM'd it! Can't you do anything right?!

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