The Old "Byes" Problem


Chairman of Selectors
Mar 13, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
I've searched the forum and the last post i could find on this was a few months ago so i thought id start another in the hope (:D ) that something has maybe come to light as to how to stop/reduce the balls going over the cpu wicket keepers head. I just played a close test match in which i was given somewhere around 50-80 byes,, whilst i was 7 wickets down, without all these extra's i probablt would have lost. It takes something away from the victory when the cpu just gives you the match by bowling constant extra's. I have just updated to the excellent new patch of Tutsi's and in the first 5 overs there were 4 deliverys that bounced over the keeper for 4 runs.

So does anyone have any idea's, suggestions? Do you have any way of keeping byes down
Don't play on hard pitches
Originally posted by lazy_chesnut
by the look of your last two posts, I think you may either be drunk, or a little stoned....

I believe the quote before humor would be more correct.

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