the passion



:( did any of u guys see the new film of mel the passion of jesus christ.

it is banned here , please tell me how is it ,
It's a film based on the last moments of the life of Jesus incuding a (apparantly) gruesome depiction of his execution.

99% of the film is taken directly from the Bible. It has been picketed by many Jewish groups, who accuse it of being anti-semetic, although it is accurately taken from the Bible.

The dialogue is all in Latin and Amaraic (might be spelled wrong) with subtitles. Not many people will have seen it, it's only just been released in the US.
I havent seen it yet. Lotta jewish ppl said it was anti semetic. But I thought one guys reasoning was stupid. Heres wat he said:

"They depicted Jews in a very bad way. They got Jews with ugly faces and big noses"

I dont think that the ugly faces was the part that ppl saw as anti semetic.
On the opening day in Australia one woman died from a heart attack from the most violent scene in the movie.
Originally posted by squiz@Feb 27 2004, 05:46 PM
On the opening day in Australia one woman died from a heart attack from the most violent scene in the movie.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Haven't heard of such a thing before.
Originally posted by andrew_nixon79@Feb 27 2004, 05:24 PM
It's a film based on the last moments of the life of Jesus incuding a (apparantly) gruesome depiction of his execution.

99% of the film is taken directly from the Bible. It has been picketed by many Jewish groups, who accuse it of being anti-semetic, although it is accurately taken from the Bible.

The dialogue is all in Latin and Amaraic (might be spelled wrong) with subtitles. Not many people will have seen it, it's only just been released in the US.
:angry: i will feel so unhappy and angry ,here it is banned ,we even have to pray in buildings ,not in church, anyway it doesnt matter if my faith is strong,

i really miss india for this ,india is really a great country where they even allow to worship satan,
Originally posted by andrew_nixon79@Feb 27 2004, 11:45 PM
Where did you read that........
It was on the TV news, I'll try find an article on the net about it
I havent seen the movie yet, but i have heard some freaky things bout the movie.. The guy who played the roll of jesus( again a lot of people told me about it but i dont think it's true) he was hit by lightning couple of times while filming and during the movie when they were filming one scene, was to hit Jesus with a Lash.even though that guy(Jesus) was wearing something that he wouldn't feel the Lash but he still felt the pain..
I personally think it should have been the other way around lol i mean he should have been protected than facing all these things happening to him :)
Originally posted by squiz@Feb 27 2004, 07:16 AM
On the opening day in Australia one woman died from a heart attack from the most violent scene in the movie.
Believe it or not, I too heard that some where......a really powerful movie....
Events such as the women can happen. I've lived in Australia long enough to witness and know these things.

The Jesus movie is quite realistic in terms of what actually happened.
A woman died of heart attack !
That's strange
How cruel can that scene be? :scratch:

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