Before I get mass voted out like Sodium, let me gather my thoughts. Will post my defense shortly.
So, I really don't know what to say. I can't say I've proof to prove my innocence. But if you look at my voting patterns, I haven't really voted someone out randomly. If I voted against someone, I think I always gave a reason for it.
Also of note is the fact that I wasn't in favor of voting out Sodium inspite of Rudolph being very convinced about it. That should be my saving grace.
With due respect to your "tingling senses" (love the spidey pics btw), I'm not yet convinced about Sodium. Let's see what CerealKiller has to say.
My suspicion is towards two people. If the next vote is against me then I think I won't stand a chance and would be the next one to die. But if isn't then I think we might just win it.
I've refrained from using a single FoS till date but I think I won't get another chance here. So without much further ado and as surprising as it may seem, my
FoS is towards Rudolph (60%) and Akshay(40%). It's gotta be one of those two.
PS: I might get in trouble for pointing this out, but Akshay seemed very aggressive when ContrarainUmp voted him as evident in post [HASHTAG]#352[/HASHTAG]
I also realized another thing just now. If I were a mafia/self-aligned player, I would definitely have killed someone upon whom there was some sort of a suspicion, aka Akshay. By killing an innocent (no one had any suspicion on CerealKiller), it would have been common sense to go after the next person in queue (which was me) - which further fuels my suspicion towards Akshay because he had no other choice other than to target someone else or Rudolph who might have committed a rookie mistake.
So whoever killed CerealKiller - that really wasn't a smart move.