The 'Space' Thread

Ah yes, thats another thing. Its only been in recent years that astronomers have sent out signals to other species in hope of a reply, I dont see the point as it may take 100's of years to even reach another planet with life on it. Thats if they even have this sort of technology, they could be behind us, or way way way way ahead!

And yeh, som Alien at the moment is probaly watching Benny Hill 'live':p

All the static?

I wanna start a time travel thread, but should it just go in this thread?

We should just rename this thread to "space" or something. Can i do that or does a mod need to?

I know a fair bit about this useless crap:p So feel free to ask questions!
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Ah yes, thats another thing. Its only been in recent years that astronomers have sent out signals to other species in hope of a reply, I dont see the point as it may take 100's of years to even reach another planet with life on it. Thats if they even have this sort of technology, they could be behind us, or way way way way ahead!

And yeh, som Alien at the moment is probaly watching Benny Hill 'live':p
Yeah and by the time they get the signal and send it back, the human race may not exist yet. Unless we can someone figure out how to use all of our brain instead of the 1/3.

Imagine someone living 38 light years away. They could be watching the moon landing "live". :p

We should just rename this thread to "space" or something. Can i do that or does a mod need to?

I know a fair bit about this useless crap:p So feel free to ask questions!

You can do it. Just go back to the general chat forum, and double click right next you the link to this forum. Then just change it.

I once heard that there actually used to be life on Mars. Like there was rivers flowing years ago.


So what do you guys think of time travel. Will it be possible. I think travelling into the future will be. Once we get faster than the speed of light, we will be able to. Because it means that we're there before the light has reached it yet. If you know what I mean. But I don't think it will be possible to travel back in time.

Dissapointing really, I'd love to go see Bradman, or if Jesus was real. :)
I dont think it will ever be to just 'instantly' go forward in time, but you never know.

Say you left earth in a shuttle at the speed of light and returned, everyone on Earth would be much much older than you are. So i suppose that is a form of time travel.
I dont think it will ever be to just 'instantly' go forward in time, but you never know.

Say you left earth in a shuttle at the speed of light and returned, everyone on Earth would be much much older than you are. So i suppose that is a form of time travel.

How would they be older than you? Would it be physically? If it is, then I dunno. It's like you've yeah gone forward in time. But how long you'd have to travel at the speed of light, I dunno.
Well when something reaches the speed of light, time slows down (in reference to whatever is at the speed of light). So when you returned what might of seemed a few days to you, could of been many years on Earth.

Other way is by using Wormholes and Black Holes, but thats pretty much all theories and going into massive detail!

UFO sighting in Texas a few day back!
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Well when something reaches the speed of light, time slows down (in reference to whatever is at the speed of light). So when you returned what might of seemed a few days to you, could of been many years on Earth.

Other way is by using Wormholes and Black Holes, but thats pretty much all theories and going into massive detail!

UFO sighting in Texas a few day back!

What do you mean "when something reaches the speed of light" ? It's impossible for anything to be travelling at the speed of light. If it was possible for something else to travel at the speed of light then that means that time travel is possible. Time Travel is almost impossible for that exact reason.
Stevo is Stephen Hawkings :p

Anyway this sort of stuff does interest me quite a bit. I hope thier is intelligent life out there but knowing how we are we'll probably start a war with them
What do you mean "when something reaches the speed of light" ? It's impossible for anything to be travelling at the speed of light. If it was possible for something else to travel at the speed of light then that means that time travel is possible. Time Travel is almost impossible for that exact reason.

I know nothing can travel at the speed of light. I was just answering his question hypertherically. Space travel by this method is impossible. Gilly Fan just asked about time travel, and as something speeds up time slows down.
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I bet with all the money everyones spent on space travel trying to better each others countrys like kids we could have found a cure for cancer. It would be good to find aliens and crap but theirs more important stuff.

Anyway I watched have I got news for you nad they said we can time travel but the entire universe would be sucked into the machine or something
Cancer on a general term is probably incurable, it's the simplest thing, it's why it's so deadly.

Good thread Stevo, however, as I know it we are getting slightly closer to the sun. As for ET life. Probability says that it exists, I'd love to know more about Gliese.
well i might like it if there was something out there, but not if they were like human eaters or something like that ....
Cancer on a general term is probably incurable, it's the simplest thing, it's why it's so deadly.
Well theres something more worthwhile than chasing after aliens anyway, Could buy Zimbabwe off Mugabe or something :p
Cancer on a general term is probably incurable, it's the simplest thing, it's why it's so deadly.

Good thread Stevo, however, as I know it we are getting slightly closer to the sun. As for ET life. Probability says that it exists, I'd love to know more about Gliese.

It's cured in Doom by the extra chromosone. You never know :p

I actually really liked that film and the female doctor went to my school when she was younger

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