The 'Space' Thread

To give my two pence here,

There must be something similar out there, we cant be the ONLY creatures on one planet surely.

And i'm extremely interested in this space talk, the only subject i actually listened to in School :p
I love all this spacey stuff. I do believe in extra terrestrial life and I also think that many many years from now when (thankfully) we have all passed away, there will be an invasion from another planet to harvest life on earth rather than attempt to co-exist.

I'm not very knowledgeable with this stuff, but i've always believed that if another life form would come to earth then they would be hostile like they are on that Mel Gibson film 'Signs'.

As for the creation of the earth, i'm a catholic myself but I still prefer to believe the Big Bang theory and Evolution.
Guys lets get back to earth because thats our home, I remember watching this "global warming" movie today at school, the thing really touched my heart was a picture of earth far far away, and earth was there at size of 1 pixel, and the guy said "yeah, that one pixel has all it's gotto say in hisotry, it's our only home, and we have to look after it". Lets just not waist water, and sh*t and US the amount of money they put in NASAA same money could have gone to Iraq, African kids fighting for bread, research in Global warming etc...
I love all this spacey stuff. I do believe in extra terrestrial life and I also think that many many years from now when (thankfully) we have all passed away, there will be an invasion from another planet to harvest life on earth rather than attempt to co-exist.

I'm not very knowledgeable with this stuff, but i've always believed that if another life form would come to earth then they would be hostile like they are on that Mel Gibson film 'Signs'.

As for the creation of the earth, i'm a catholic myself but I still prefer to believe the Big Bang theory and Evolution.

I love the last sentence Matt :D

Man will die out when conditions on earth can no longer harvest us, due to comet collision or a long way in the future when the sun dies. They are the most likely anyway, with comet collision being numero uno. As said I think there is other life out there, probability suggests as such, would it ever reach here? Well given how long we know the nearest place to support life is hundreds of thousands of light years visitors from outer space is damn near impossible.
Space is like life;

Put nothing into it, get nothing out.

So why aren't folk up there?
Guys lets get back to earth because thats our home, I remember watching this "global warming" movie today at school, the thing really touched my heart was a picture of earth far far away, and earth was there at size of 1 pixel, and the guy said "yeah, that one pixel has all it's gotto say in hisotry, it's our only home, and we have to look after it". Lets just not waist water, and sh*t and US the amount of money they put in NASAA same money could have gone to Iraq, African kids fighting for bread, research in Global warming etc...

You talkin about the inconvenient truth?
You guys should look at the 2 moons ; Titan, Europa

EDIT: Tom why did you neg rep me before?(i think its Highlander tom) its called a joke!
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Space is like life;

Put nothing into it, get nothing out.

So why aren't folk up there?

Cost. They were planning on having 'moon' stations but they don't see the point. And within the next decade they want man to go to mars, but once again there isn't much point, enough space probes go over there to collect things so it would pretty much be an ego boost for America
Cost. They were planning on having 'moon' stations but they don't see the point. And within the next decade they want man to go to mars, but once again there isn't much point, enough space probes go over there to collect things so it would pretty much be an ego boost for America

They're going to mars in 2010 but arive there probably 2 years later so 2012
They're going to mars in 2010 but arive there probably 2 years later so 2012

I doubt it would be that soon. Yes it was propsed for that date a few years back but NASA always delays missions.

Especically with the 2003 Columbia tragedy, it put man space missions to a halt.
I think its next month Shuttle Discovery goes up...
Thats just mean mate. Emos don't deserve the priveledge of going to Space.
nah British people like to have empires, "English queen on the moon 2010" :).

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