Things the wife does that drives you mad !!


International Coach
Aug 26, 2009
Surrey- England
Online Cricket Games Owned
My wife is a top looking bird quite easily a 9/10, she also looks after me very well.

However as im sure many of you with a wife or girlfriend you live with know they have got things they do around the house thats drive you bloody crazy..

Mine for example, my iphone charger plugged in behind the bed she cant bare see an inch of the lead as it "bugs her", so instead of pushing it under the bed so its just out of view she pushes it as far back as she can, so now every night i have to commando crawl under the bed to get it to charge it again.:mad

If say im on the ps3, very rare these days, but ill put the controller down go toilet or kitchen or whatever, she goes and puts it away!!! i mean come on,, " i thought you was finished"" she says..:mad:mad.

But the worst is when i go to work and sometimes stop in a shop or bakers on the way in, go to buy something for like ?2, go in my wallet,, she has taken my change ive gotta hope i can use my card or go find a cash point.....:mad:mad

Ive got loads more, but i'll leave you to vent for now..!!
Well in my humble opinion if you approach your wife with the sentiments expressed in the devoting and loving sentiments conversed so poetically in the phrase "....a top looking bird, easily a 9/10..." I can't understand why she hasn't smothered you with a pillow yet.......
I'm quite happy with my single life. Apart from the lack of regular gobbies, I do enjoy being able to lie on the couch all day in my own filth watching the cricket without someone yapping away at me.

I also enjoy farting in bed and have a good amount of disposable income for a uni student living away from home.

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