International Cricketer
your sig with a bit of blend and selective color....
your original sig:
my edit:
Woah mate that looks awesome. Yeah, thanks for the advice guys.
your sig with a bit of blend and selective color....
your original sig:
my edit:
Not to sure about this one....
C+C Please
The background is too plain. I see you've added a wall texture but some more light grunge textures would look good. The render is too saturated. Nice use of light textures and lighting though. I dont like the text either it doesn't suit. Try doing your text more to the bottom of the sig as it will blend better. kiu mate
Here is my newest sig,
Also my entry for GMOTW...
C+C Please
Remove the sig for now, tobie. Didn't you read that until the voting is over this week, you cannot post your entry anywhere else.