Title Recipient
The Toronto Tanks owners have named Matt (mattfb) as captain of this distinguished and honorary team.
We place high expectations on him, to keep the PCPL trophy here in Toronto for another season.
A vice-captain will be named when needed.
Insomniac added 2 Minutes and 47 Seconds later...
The line-up for our first game will be as follows:
1. Holdenator
2. Ian Botham
3. Insomniac
4. mattfb (C)
5. Imran Khan
6. Bilal91
7. Hitterman (WK)
8. Wolf
9. WestIndian
10. Brendon Hedger
11. Clarrie Grimmet
Apologies to those who didn't make it; this was based on activity *mostly*.
We place high expectations on him, to keep the PCPL trophy here in Toronto for another season.
A vice-captain will be named when needed.
Insomniac added 2 Minutes and 47 Seconds later...
The line-up for our first game will be as follows:
1. Holdenator
2. Ian Botham
3. Insomniac
4. mattfb (C)
5. Imran Khan
6. Bilal91
7. Hitterman (WK)
8. Wolf
9. WestIndian
10. Brendon Hedger
11. Clarrie Grimmet
Apologies to those who didn't make it; this was based on activity *mostly*.