TPCL | The offers thread

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Executive member
X Rebels
Jan 3, 2010
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:local: Marquee Players Offer Thread

As customary to The PlanetCricket League we offer teams the chance to pair with their favorite members/players.

Each Team will be given the chance to draft 2 x :local: Marquee players to join their team from the signups. (Excl. team owners)

:local: Marquee player: A player that accepts a team offer or vise versa (To be done via PM not in this thread)

* Teams use this thread to make offers to players to sign up for your team
* Players use this thread to promote themselves to a team they want to join

Lannisters are allowed 3 x :local:Marquee players
The Royal Mavericks are allowed 2 x :local:Marquee players
West Coast Wildcats are allowed 4 x :local:Marquee players
Extreme Rebelz are allowed 2 x :local:Marquee players

Confirmed :local: Marquee Players

Barry Allen @zwarrior :up: Extreme Rebelz
Kushal Chaudhary @LiveLoveABD :up: Extreme Rebelz
Parth K @EyeInTheSky :up: Lannisters
Et Cetra @asprin :up: Lannisters
Mark Kkkk @Markkkkk :up: Lannisters
Prabhul KV @YouWeCan Alias Prabhul :up: The Royal Mavericks
AJ MODS @AJ MODS :up: The Royal Mavericks
Neptune Gaming @NePtuNe Gaming :up: West Coast Wildcats
Ahmed Leo @ahmedleo414 :up: West Coast Wildcats
Jethalal Gada @Akshay. :up: West Coast Wildcats
Matt W @MattW :up: West Coast Wildcats

* Players that are not chosen will remain a free agent and will join the rest of the free agents to be drafted/auctioned
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At least we have a name we can proudly use again for seeason 2. Unlike the OD champs who are ashamed of themselves to be called The Amigos again..
At least we have a name we can proudly use again for seeason 2. Unlike the OD champs who are ashamed of themselves to be called The Amigos again..
Did we say that? We are people of creativity, not of false honor...
Unlike the OD champs who are ashamed of themselves to be called The Amigos again..
I can see where this is coming from. Poor Lannisters Lamesters, lost against The Amigos in OD finals and they have still not come out of that shock. :lol
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I can see from where this is coming from. Poor Lannisters Lamesters, lost against The Amigos in OD finals and they have still not come of of that shock. :lol
Exactly my point. We lost to The Amigos and yet you are ashamed of naming yourselves the same while we are proud of ourselves to be called Lannisters. In contrast, you all seem to be the lamesters here.[DOUBLEPOST=1594491616][/DOUBLEPOST]
Did we say that? We are people of creativity, not of false honor...
So much creativity that the intelligence department appointed by you people hasn't been able to come up with a name yet. *Slow claps*
Exactly my point. We lost to The Amigos and yet you are ashamed of naming yourselves the same while we are proud of ourselves to be called Lannisters. In contrast, you all seem to be the lamesters here.
Even Deccan Chargers were taken over by Sunrisers. That doesn't mean Deccan Chargers are no where.

The Amigos are within...
Well, I will get this tread back on track and do some promotion of myself...

First name: Ryan
Last name: Olson
Username: @ROlson
Nationality: :eng:
Batting style:
Bat position: Lower Order
Batting ability: ★ ★ ★ (3)
Bowling hand: Right
Bowling style: Medium-Fast (1)
Bowling ability: ★ ★ (2)
Fielding position: Outfielder (0)
Player likeness: Ian Botham

I am on this site multiple times a day. And, plus, you get this sweet bastard on your team!


(EDIT: Picture didn't post)
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