As customary to The PlanetCricket League we offer teams the chance to pair with their favorite members/players.
Each Team will be given the chance to draft 2 x
* Teams use this thread to make offers to players to sign up for your team
* Players use this thread to promote themselves to a team they want to join
Lannisters are allowed 3 x
The Royal Mavericks are allowed 2 x
West Coast Wildcats are allowed 4 x
Extreme Rebelz are allowed 2 x
Barry Allen @zwarrior

Kushal Chaudhary @LiveLoveABD

Parth K @EyeInTheSky

Et Cetra @asprin

Mark Kkkk @Markkkkk

Prabhul KV @YouWeCan Alias Prabhul


Neptune Gaming @NePtuNe Gaming

Ahmed Leo @ahmedleo414

Jethalal Gada @Akshay.

Matt W @MattW

* Players that are not chosen will remain a free agent and will join the rest of the free agents to be drafted/auctioned
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